*Chapter 13 Part 2- Willio's POV*

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"You can't expect me to just stand there and not do anything to help out my little sister." I tell her, trying not to cry.

Gods, I just found her but I already love her so much. I don't want to lose her. I just want to scoop her up and keep her safe from the world forever.

"I-I d-don't w-want y-you t-to w-waste y-your p-powers, i-it's n-not h-helping..."

"Baby, it's not a waste, I promise." I push even harder with my powers, even though I'm starting to get a bit tired.

"O-okay, j-just s-stop b-before y-you g-get t-to t-tierd."

"I'm fine, Corrie. It's you I'm worried about."

Neeks has been hugging me from behind and wiping at my tears, even though new ones replace them just a quick.

I catch a glance of a huge shape out of the corner of my eye, and tencing, I realize that it's Atlas.

I give Corrie a quick kiss on the top of her head and stand up. Angel lets go of me, shocked. "YOU! YOU THINK YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO PUT MY BABY SISTER IN PAIN BOTH PHYSICALLY AND EMOTIONALLY?! ARE YOU ASKING FOR A THIRD-DEGREE BURN, A MUSCULAR TEAR, AND AN ARROW TO YOUR FACE????!!! Well, that last one doesn't matter since you already look ugly." I glare at Atlas, and I make sure that it's a death glare.

Angel bursts out laughing, "Oh my gods." He continues laughing, "Even your threats are doctor related."

Before I can deliver mild sass back, Atlas interrupts, scowling, "Your sister chose her fate. And unless you want your sister to hold the sky forever, killing me isn't a good idea."

"I don't have to kill you." I say, deadly calm, as I toss the first thing that comes out of my medical knapsack, a roll of bandages, as hard as I can, aiming for his crotch, since that's where the sensitive stuff is.

I remembered my bow and arrow, and since this dude was just asking for an arrow to the face, I aimed as best as I could, and let go. The arrow was a little bit off from the eye, and Nico was rolling on the ground, laughing.

"Is that all you have to offer?"

"No." I growled as I stalked up to him. I started to climb him, and he was looking at me with an amused look on his face that just made me even more POed.

Once I got to his shoulder I slapped him on the face as hard as I could and leaped down, backing away to Neeks, "OK, now I think I'm good."

Atlas almost growls, "Well, I have a much more horrible fate for you than a pitiful slap in the face."

Just then, before I could even realize that I should be scared, my Dad pops in, driving his sun chariot/car, and crashes into Atlas, knocking him back under the sky, "Oops. That wasn't someone important was it?"

I notice Corrie slumps out from the sky, and Chris and I have this awkward moment when both of us try and hug her at the same time. I make sure I have a steady grip on Corrie before I put an arm around Chris, too.

Cor laughs weakly and slumps her head in between Chis's and mine shoulders.

Dad Looks over at Corrie and his eyes soften, "Come here, Sweetheart. Let your Daddy heal you."

Chris and I help Corrie walk over to Dad, and he gently scoops her out of our arms and sings a healing hymn.

It seems like the longest thing ever.

Finally, Corrie untences and leans her head against Dad's shoulder, drifting off to sleep. Dad rocked her sllowly, and she smiled slightly in her sleep.

"Well, won't you look at that?" Ally said.

Neeks was wiping away happy tears from laughing so hard.

Dad kissed Corries forehead. I smile and share a glane with my dad. Walking over, I asked, "May I?" and gently take her out of his arms. Corrie, my baby sister, snuggles into me and sighs softly in her sleep.

Neeks came up to me, and stood up on his tiptoes to kiss me on the cheek, "Only you."

I kissed him back, and said, "We should probably get Corrie into the limo, and I want to have a look over of Chris so I can see how much healing he'll need."

He nods and I lean into my Dad, "Bye, We have to get back to our quest. Thanks for trapping Atlas and hope to see you soon?"

Dad smiled down at me, "Pfft. Puh-lease. If it was up to me, I would be spending everyday watching you two love birds."

I can feel my ears turning red, "Daahd!"

Neeks smiled at Apollo and dragged me down the path to the mountain. Chris and Ally followed us, giving us our space and we went to the limo, and continued our quest.

AN: Hey Yos!! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!! Please don't kill me for the feels. Buh bye!! 

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