Chapter 3

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1 Week Later

Jungkook is pointing a gun at a man's head when he gets a call.

Jungkook looks at the man and shoots him in the head then he answers the phone

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Jungkook looks at the man and shoots him in the head then he answers the phone. "Hey tae what's up?" "Kookie want to go on a date?" Jungkook smiles "I would love to tae how about tomorrow I'm free then." "Oh my god yes that sounds good." "Ok see you then bye." "Bye kookie" jungkook hangs up. He looks at the dead body you shouldn't have looked at him Like that. Sorry but he's mine he's the first person to show me affection." Jungkook laughs and kicks the body and leaves.

The next day

Jungkook just woke up and decided to call Taehyung. Tae who woke up not too long ago answers the phone to see jungkook.

"Tae I don't know how you got here?" "What do you mean?" "What I mean is how are you here I'm pretty sure Angels live in heaven so how'd you get here

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"Tae I don't know how you got here?" "What do you mean?" "What I mean is how are you here I'm pretty sure Angels live in heaven so how'd you get here." "Aish that's horrible." "I was trying to be romantic tae." "I'm not saying it didn't make me feel special cause it did honestly." "Our dates today tae what time do you want me to come  get you." "I'll be ready by 2 so then." "Ok see you then bye tae." "Bye kookie I'll see you soon."

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