Chapter 13

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Jungkook is carrying some boxes to the medium-sized moving truck jimin and taehyung are inside packing their stuff. "Jimin I'll be ok I know you're worried but you know jungkook wouldn't let anyone hurt me." Jimin stops and sighs. "Tae I'm going to miss living with you and of course I'm worried but from what you've told me jungkook really needs you." Taehyung looks out the window at jungkook and quickly looks back to jimin. "He has scars on his back jimin you can only see them when you're close to him though I think he's been hurt in the past." Jimin nods his head. "I don't but know until he approached you he didn't have friends and people say his family hates him and his parents are dead." Taehyung sighs. "I've heard that too but I'm worried about him he's so kind and his life's been hard he said I'm all he has I hope he's ok." Jungkook who was in the hall listening smiles. "Then take care of him tae show him the love he desires." "I'll give him my everything jimin." Jungkook grabs a box and goes outside again with yeontan close behind him. "I'll give you my everything taehyung you can have my broken pieces and you can put them back together." Taehyung packs the last box and stands up and picks said box up to bring outside when jungkook grabs the box out of his hands. "I've got it tae just say bye to jimin more I have 3 boxes left." Taehyung smiles and goes back to talk to jimin more.

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