Thinking and Talking

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Rowoon's POV: 

I'm sitting in my room, questioning EVERYTHING. Does Chani like me? Or am I just being stupid? I need therapy....... Should I ask him out? Or maybe I should just play it cool and pretend I don't like him? Well that would be stupid, I've kissed him, for god's sake. 

There's a knock on my door, and Seoyun calls in, "Are you ever going to come out?"

"I already did that." I snap back. 

She huffs impatiently and says, "What's wrong, Rowoon? Did something happen?"

I jump up and fling the door open. "Yeah, Kang Chani happened."


Seoyun looks concerned, and opens her arms in invitation. I sigh and accept her comfort. She pulls away and takes my hand, sitting me on the bed, her following. I lean down and rest my head on her shoulder, and she puts her arm across my back, whispering soft words to calm me down. I may not show certain emotions very well, but she can always tell when I'm upset. Seoyun is one of my best friends, and she knows me just as well, or better, then my whole circle does now. She often hangs out with us when she doesn't have anything better to do, and Dawon faked a crush on her when he was frustrated that he was gay.

I touch her pretty, pink-dyed hair and sigh. Why does everything have to be so complicated?

"So, are you going to tell me what's wrong?" Seoyun looks up at me with her wide, brown eyes. I bite my lip, feeling the tears well up in my eyes. Seoyun looks extremely worried, being considerate I'm typically a happy-go-lucky person, she should be worried. I don't have many bad days. 

"Well, you know Kang Chani, right?" I begin.

She chuckles halfheartedly, "Well of course! I tutor him in math!"

I stare. "You do?"

"Yes! I thought I told you this already?" She frowns.

"You probably did. I don't listen very well." I mumble.

"Okay, okay. What about him?" She urges me on. 

"So... I have a bit of a, um, crush on him.... But I don't know if he likes me back. He gives off so many mixed signals! First he lets me kiss him, then he goes all shy and blush-y, then I found him being bullied by Sungmin, his half-brother, then he asks Youngbin for me and all my friends' phone numbers, but I still don't know if he likes me!"

Seoyun gets a thoughtful look, then smiles. "Chani's a cute kid, I can see you two together.... Now, my question is, why don't you just ask him if he likes you? I'm sure he'd answer."

"No, Seoyun. He wouldn't. He doesn't answer many questions at all, and he's shy as hell. He wouldn't even tell the teacher what he wanted to do when he was given detention for sleeping in class. She only wanted to know if he was calling his mom or not!" I rant.

Seoyun sighs, picking at her nails. "Well I can tell you this, if you don't make your move soon, it'll be too late, and he won't know if you like him or not, because you've been giving him mixed signals, too. He's very straightforward when he knows what you want. But if he doesn't know, then he won't properly answer you. Think on that. I'm gone to Hongki's. His step-sister, Jimin, is really cute, and I'm not giving up that, and you shouldn't give up on Chani, either. See ya, bro." And with that, she leaves.

I frown and roll my eyes at my sisters back. Is she honestly going to flirt with Shin Jimin? Wow, what a big goal.... 

I ponder what Seoyun said... Is Chani really going to wait for me to stop giving mixed signals for him to stop? Am I actually giving mixed signals? Or did Seoyun just say that? 

I roll over and pick up my phone, deciding to play games rather than think about Chani, who has his own folder in my head right now.



Sorry for not updating! I've been busy doing.... well, nothing really. I'm not updating Gaydar today tho... So yeah..

Word count: 703

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