Chapter Two

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I am in the infirmary visiting Percy, who got hurt during training. I glance over at him and see him eating blue M&Ms while drawing a vase because of a challenge with Leo. I sigh. He won't be talking to me anytime soon.  My eyes flick to where Will is leaving Nico's room after bringing him breakfast. He looks sad, I wonder what Nico said that made him look like this. He closes his eyes and leans against the door, sighing. I stand up and ask him what's wrong, touching his arm lightly. 

"Nico didn't want any part of me," he says with  a sigh, "And that wouldn't bother me, IF I wasn't hopelessly and utterly in love with him. BUT IF YOU TELL ANYONE, I SW-"

"Will, I won't tell anyone. It's okay. Maybe Nico likes you and is too guarded to say anything. It WILL work out. And if it doesn't, I will FORCE the fates to change your fate." 

"Thanks, Anna." 

"That's what friends are for. Listen, I have to go study for an exam. I'll see you around."


I turn away and walk to my cabin, hoping everything works out with Nico.


Will looked so hurt when I glared at him, it makes me hate myself even more. Of course I had to ruin my chances to have a boyfriend. A person who loved me. But I'm unloveable. You would have to be insane to love me, And Will is the opposite of that. He is perfect. I slap myself in the face, hoping maybe to feel a multitude of physical pain to drown out my hurt. I sit up and kick my sheets off. I leave my room in a rush, hoping Will is still there. I walk out of the infirmary and onto the lawn, when I see him. Will, curled up in the shade of a tree, tears welling in his eyes, about to fall down his too perfect cheeks.

"Will" I want to call out, "I'm sorry." 

But I don't. I never do.  Instead, I walk over to him silently, and take his hand in mine. He looks up. 

"Nico? What?" he says

Shit. I ruined it. He's straight, I knew it. Shitshitshit. 

"I'm sorry. I thought you were upset because you liked me and I glared at you. Obviously not. You're straight, aren't you? I just, just thought I m-might be able to be loved by someone I like. I'm -I'm sorry. I'll leave." I choke out.  

I drop his hand and close my eyes in shame. 


Nico. Oh Nico. I could tell him I love him. But I don't. Instead,  I take both his hands in mine. I say his name softly, and he looks up at me with pain in his eyes. 

"Nico" I repeat.

Then I look directly into his eyes and start singing, using every ounce of musical talent in me,

"Wise Men say only fools rush in. But I can't help falling in love with you. Shall I stay? W-"

He cuts me off by saying my name. A single tear falls down his cheek. He says my name again. 

"Stay. Stay." He says, his tears flowing faster now, "Ti amo, Ti amo." he sobbed, switching to Italian.

"How can you think I would hate you. HOW DID YOU THINK I DIDN'T LOVE YOU? YOU MEAN MORE TO ME THAN ANYONE ELSE!!!!!" I cry out, suddenly angry. 

I soften when I see his face, so sad and angry. I pull my hand away from his and cup it around his face.I lean in and kiss him, my lips pressing against his desperately. He sits there, and embraces me. Hugging me as if he'll never let go. 

"I'm stupid, I am such an idiot. I'm sorry, Will, I'm sorry." He whispers sadly into my ear. 

"Shhhh, It's okay, Nico, It's okay. You know now." 

He curls up against me, tears silently falling from his cheeks. I hug him, and rub his back until he calms down. 

"Will? Do-Do you wa-want to be my b-boyfriend?" He asks.

I kiss him in response, letting my actions speak louder than any yes I could have said.

"I love you, Will"

"I love you too."

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