☪ CH 17 ☪

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YUN CHOKED AS HE SCRAMBLED back to his feet and rushes to the side of the ship, trying to lean over the edge. His eyes dilated in horror as he saw your figure sank, "Yren!" Yona panicked, rushing over as well.

As soon as her eyes laid on your sinking frame, she hurriedly climb over the border- trying to jump and rescue you immediately.

"Princess! Wait, get down!" Yun fret.

Vigorously shaking her head, she respond, "Yren is down there. Dying in cold and darkness. I'm supposed to be there! Not him!"

"Princess-" The young genius stumbled forward, reaching out to the princess, hoping that he could at least grab her hand. If she fell, who knows what disaster will come after her.

Fortunately, her two guardians came to his aid and scooped the princess.

"What are you doing, Princess?" Jae-ha asked sternly, observing her stained cheeks and blood-shot eyes.

Hak, stood by their side, concerned. "I know you were stupid but why are you being stupid?" The insulting question was enough to throw the Princess back, her petite frame trying to lash at her bodyguard.

Annoyance was well-written on her face.

"So, what were you crying about earlier?" Hak questioned, staying away from the Princess angry antics. "You said his name. Why?"

Yren. That name ticked him off. It had since the beginning, when he sees that man, when he felt his presence. Hak felt annoyed, for no apparent reason.

"He...fell." Yona sobbed.


"Because I made a mistake."

"He can just swim back up." Hak harshly respond.

"If only he wasn't badly injured."

Just the existence and name alone irritated him. Why.

Jae-ha cocked a brow when he noticed Hak losing a grip of reality, putting a blank expression, forgetting their tight situation. The princess loosen herself from the dark-haired and returned to the edge, screaming.

"Yren! Yren!"

This scene alone made his chest itch, the mere fact that the princess is more worried about the stranger than herself is enough to make his stomach churn.

It was then at that moment he heard Yun shouting, "Forget about Yren for a moment, Princess! The bastard is gone!"
Hak snapped out of his thoughts and ran inside the ship. Only to come out, frustrated.

Jae-ha frowned and oversee the ships, a small boat sailing further from the war caught his eye. Kum-Ji was far than he imagine but he could still make the jump, after all, they've came this far. To protect the port and put an end to the citizen's misery.

"Bastard." The green-dragon cursed, quickly rushing to jump over the edge.

Yona gaped in terror, watching as his broad back shadowed her before he vanished. Before she could yell the persistent male to stop, Kum-Ji had already raise his weapon.

A bow and arrow. Aiming straight at Jae-ha.

This action stunned the green-heroic, causing him to retract lightly. He thought the enemy was empty-handed; but again, It was Kum-Ji. Pain struck through Jae-ha's body, spreading over his body like fire.

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