Andrea Fitch

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"Well im andrea Andrea Fitch. Im 16, Mm i like music, love going to concerts & my mum died when i was young" i shrugged. "Oh well take a seat next to cameron please" the pedo teacher said as he pointed to the empty seat next to cameron. "So Andrea did you just move into the area ?" he asked. "Oh yea my dads job means he's always moving so i have to go with him" i shrugged again. "You like shrugging dont you" he chuckled. I just shrugged. "Hey your in some of my friends classes & mine" cameron pointed out. "Oh yea well ill see you later" i said as the bell went. I walked to my first class biology. Fun, i walked in & sat up the back of the class. I got my note book & text book out. Once i got them out i noticed someone sat next to me. "Hi im tyler" OMFG its tyler my second favorite from HWE. "Hi im Andrea" i smiled. "Nice to meet you" he said while patting my shoulder. OMFG he fucking touched me. Never washing this T-shirt ever again. As the lesson went on i picked up the stuff really quickly. The teacher seemed nice when she handed out the work sheets. I finished it really quickly. I turned to look at tyler to see he was struggling. "Hey you need some help?" i whispered. He just nodded. I leaned over & helped him with the work we started at the start of the lesion & the work sheet. Once i explained it he got it no problem. "Thanks Andrea" he smiled. "No problem any time" i smiled back.

I went thought the rest of my classes with no problem whats so ever. I havent met chris or dan yet but still got two periods left. Double music yey. Cant wait for that. Its now lunch & as im new i have no where to sit. Everyone was sat in groups & there wasnt a group that i would fit into. I sighed as i walked round the cafeteria looking for somewhere to sit. "Andrea, andrea over here" i heard someone shout. I turned round to see Cameron with his band. OMFG im gonna me all of hollywood ending. I smiled as i walked over to them. "Hi cam, hi tyler, Hi..." i almost said chris & dans names that would have been humiliating. "Hi dont think we've met im andrea" i smiled. "Im chris & thats dan" chris shrugged. "Hey i love you accent are you from the uk?" i asked while tilting my head to the side. "Yea i am how did you guess?"
"I have family from there, i like it there its nice plus i love the accents scottish, Liverpool, Gordie, essex ones like that" i said. "Oh chris is from essex" cameron pointed out. 'Oh please i knew that' i thought. "No way would have guessed" i exclaimed. "Well am" he smiled. I just nodded. The 5 of us laughed & joked about for the rest of lunch. They were all so funny. "Well double music for me what bout you guys?" i asked. "Double music" they all said at the same time. We all burst out laughing, getting some weird looks from people walked by. "Ok well lets go" Cameron said as the bell went. I followed them to music. "Well hello you must be the new girl" the teacher said. "Yes miss thats me"
"Whats your name?" "Andrea Fitch"
"Ah yes here you are you can go sit next to cameron" he pointed to the empty seat next to cameron. I just nodded. As very one filed into the class room, i got some weird looks. A couple of weirdo boys sat next to me. "Hi hot stuff, whats your name?" i just ignored them. "Yo chick i said whats your name, hot stuff?"
"Ok 2 things 1) im a human not a slab of meat you can just do what you with & 2) i dont think you got my hint i dont want to talk to you" i shouted. After that all the girl started to clap. "Well i see we all know the new girl Andrea, which musical instrument would you like to play?" the teacher asked. "I would like to do voice please" i said confidently. "Could you sing something for us please" she asked. "Well mm sure, can i use the piano?" i asked. The teacher just nodded. I walked over to the piano & closed my eyes ready to play. "Wait what pice will you be performing?"
"Ill be singing 'Young Volcanoes' by Fall Out Boy". Again the teacher just nodded. I closed my ready to play. I took a deep breath & began. I love this song cause of the lyrics. Once i finished i looked up to the class.

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