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SKYPE: garrothrm is calling...



When Garroth pops up on my screen, I can't help but smile. His blond curls are styled messily under a headband as he sips at a drink, looking at his camera expectantly as he waits for my arrival.

"Hey!" He says, cracking a grin. "I'm not gonna lie, I'm kind of tipsy right now."

"It's, like, four pm," I say, checking the time on my phone.

"My friend came over and she had beers, so we were fucking around playing on my Wii and I already told you I'm a lightweight," he explains.

"Are you still drinking?" I ask, making a poor attempt to bite back my smile.

"I shouldn't be," he answers, and I can't help but giggle at his drunken remark, "this is vodka and  - I don't know what she mixed with it - probably Mountain Dew or something."

"Is she still there?" I ask.

I watch him flinch a bit as he takes a long drag from the glass. "Yeah, she's in the bathroom but..." He completely fails to finish his sentence.

"But?" I ask, cocking an eyebrow. This is great. I can totally blackmail him for this.

He leans in and shields a side of his mouth with his hand, speaking in a whisper so loud he may as well be talking. "She's not much of a friend."

"Oh, really?" I ask, understanding his intention, stupid grin still plastered on my face.

"Yeah, she's a girl from one of my classes and I think I like her," he tells me, "I don't know."

"Are you sure you want to be drunk if you don't know?" I ask.

"Whatever!" He says. "I haven't had sex in, like, months."

I chuckle. He's different drunk. Easy going.

He sips his beverage some more. "I'm gonna get pissed and fuck her."

"Does she want that?" I question. This is a dangerous road.

"If not I'll just fucking jerk off," he says, and I have to slap my hand over my mouth so I don't laugh too much. Sober Garroth is never this vulgar.

There's a click of the door behind him, and a girl with dark hair and pale skin emerges. I'm assuming this is the girl he has over.

"Who are you talking to, Gar?" She asks delicately.

"My friend," he says, "this is Laurance. He's a fucking asshole."

I laugh. That's fair enough. "Hi."

"I'm Lily," she smiles, leaning down to give him a back hug across his chest, "I didn't mean for him to get tipsy; I didn't know he gets drunk so easily."

"You aren't?" I ask.

"No, it takes me quite a few," she explains, "I'll stop him from drinking now."

"No!" Garroth whines as she picks up his glass.

She takes a long sip for it herself and places it where Garroth can't reach, which makes him pout.

"You're such a child," I point out.

"I want to get fucking drunk," he says, and Lily looks to me apologetically.

"I think you already are, Gar," she tells him, kissing his cheek.

This is way too TMI for me. Despite my inkling for drama, a peek into Garroth's  literal foreplay wasn't what I was hoping to watch this afternoon.

"He really is a lightweight," I comment, "make sure he doesn't fall over, or something."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of him," she promises me.

"I'm not a child," Garroth argues, suddenly tuning back into the conversation, "I can take care of myself."

"Obviously," I say sarcastically, in complete disbelief.

"Yeah! I make myself dinner all the time," he says matter-of-factly.

"Oh, you're such a man," Lilly jokes, which causes my grin.

He kisses the side of her mouth. Awkward. "Right."

"I'm gonna go," I say quickly, coming up with an excuse so I don't have to sit through anything even more terrifying, "I have to get ready to meet friends, anyway."

"Alright," Lily says, "I'll try to keep him as sober as possible."

"Good luck with that." I grin sheepishly. "Be safe! Bye!"

She smiles sheepishly and I quickly hang up.

I blink owlishly at my screen, cheeks ablaze. I'd never take Garroth as someone so irresponsible. Although I am completely aware that I'm certainly not the most sophisticated person in the world, it's a little jarring to have watched their obvious flirting without anywhere else to look.

Sinking back into my chair, I let out a huff through poured lips. Our calls never last long enough, and it's difficult to form a genuine friendship when you can't talk face-to-face for more than twenty minutes. Perhaps we should try harder to schedule out a time for calls. I wouldn't want things to go to waste because we don't have the time. It's fun to have a friend I can say anything to.

Rubbing my eyes to process recent events, I shut down my laptop and heave myself out of my seat to start getting ready to head out. Sweatpants really won't suffice for an event like this; especially when I'm seeing a guy that seems to have an interest in me. This time, I'm hoping to have a whole conversation before we get on to other things. Maybe then he can decide whether he can deal with my melodramatic personality, or if I'm too much for him.

Some people find it charming. It might actually work out this time. Call me optimism, because I'm looking to the stars.

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