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- k i m  n a m j o o n -

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- k i m  n a m j o o n -

"Is she okay?!" I immediately stood up when the doctor came out, his eyes coming in contact with mine with a with a serious gaze. "Are you related to the patient?" He asked as I quickly nodded.

"Well, as much as I could say is that she has cancer and I'm sure that your aware that it runs in the family. There are some risk factors that comes with this, for example obesity and having kids late or maybe not at all. Y/n, is in stage three breast cancer." My lips parted as I listened to him.

"She's very close to the next stage which is stage four, metastatic breast cancer. That is when it spreads from the breast to rest of the body, common bones, liver, lungs and even worse the brain. You should get her immediately treated or else there's a risk of losing her life."

"You see in Korea the treatment isn't as good as in America, there's a better probability of her surviving if she goes to the states for treatment." He bowed down before walking away.

"What am I going to do?..." with shaky hands I grabbed my phone and dialed my father's phone number.

"A-Appa.." I started as he asked why I called him.

"Please send Y/n to the states and I'll take over your company instead of pursuing my career." I pleaded.

I could just see a smirk on his face with out even really being there. "Of course son." He ended the call.

I walked to the nurse's desk, "I'm with Kim Y/n,"

"The doctor who treated her, can I speak with him?" She nodded and called him through the speaker.


"Until when can she leave to the states?" I desperately asked, "She can leave tonight, on a medical flight to the states but the payment for it..." He looked at me as I grabbed my phone, turning it on.

"I'll pay as much as this damn hospital likes, just get her to the hospital." I gave him my card as I rushed to her room.

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