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Two days passed, time slowly ticking by as the lifeless girl lays on the bed

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Two days passed, time slowly ticking by as the lifeless girl lays on the bed. The boys sitting in the dark room, waiting for any chance of her waking up.

The sky turning into a dark shade of blue as rain pours from the clouds, eventually puddles form on the ground.

A single hand movement from her goes unnoticed as the others watch the rain drizzle out the window.

Seconds passed as her fingers move one by one still going unseen, her eyes starting to flicker as she tries to open them.

Unconsciously a cough escapes her mouth as she tries to speak but her sore throat stops her from doing so but that doesn't go unnoticed.

"Y/n!" A cry was heard from her best friend as the blonde haired female rushes to her aid, holding her hand that repeatedly twitches.

The guys in the room watch as they witness a miracle, Namjoon feels tears starting to pool up in his eyes as he watches his precious sister wake up.

Y/n coughs multiple times as she tries to speak up, but only failing to do so as she stares at them in agony.

Flashbacks appearing in her head as she pulls away from Jennie's hands, the female quickly wraps her arms around her self in defense as the others stare at her in shock.

"W-What's wrong?.." Jennie tries to reproach the crying girl as a raspy scream was heard throughout the room.

"P-Please stay away.." she mumbled as her hands started shaking, she hugged herself tighter and scooted back to the headboard of the bed.

Jimin clenches his fist as he stares at her, blaming himself for not finding her sooner not knowing that Namjoon was doing the same.

"Y-Y/n.." Jennie tries to reach for her hand again as Y/n's cries were louder, she was screeching out for help as her eyes closed tightly, remembering everything that was done to her body.

"S-Stop! Please stay away!" Tears stained Y/n's face as Jennie pulled away scared for her best friend.

"W-What happened to you?.." Jennie croaked out as tears fell down from her small face, slowly taking steps backwards as Y/n started sobbing uncontrollably.

"Y/n," Another voice spoke out as Y/n looked up, recognized the voice. Yoongi slightly smiled as he slowly took step towards her as she slightly flinched.

"It's okay, I won't hurt you Y/n." Yoongi cooed as everyone watched him carefully.

"P-Promise?." She said in a small voice as the others looked at her shocked at how she stopped crying.

"Of course, I would never hurt you. No one in this room will, we'll protect you." He lowered his hand onto her's as she remembered the warmth of his hand when she remembered that he was the one who comforted her when she fought with her older brother.

He intertwined their hands to together as Y/n didn't reject but pulled him closer to her, seconds later they were hugging as she cried out her thoughts.

"I-It's hurts.....it hurts so bad." She sobbed uncontrollably as he held her tightly.

The others listened in horror as the managed to listen to everything without going crazy.

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