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"Y/n!" The worried brother ran towards the bleeding girl that was laid out on the hard concrete floor, leaving Jimin to hold onto the sneaky man who tried to escape

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"Y/n!" The worried brother ran towards the bleeding girl that was laid out on the hard concrete floor, leaving Jimin to hold onto the sneaky man who tried to escape.

Namjoon moved the girl carefully onto his lap as Jimin who was behind him, grabbed the man by his collar.

Jimin lifted his fist to only bring it down to the boy's face, punching him repeatedly in the face. He quickly glanced at his hyung crying with the love of his life as he turned his head back to the man underneath him.

Jimin slammed his body onto the ground harshly, jerking him every second. "What did you do to her!" His eyes flickered with anger, the boy's lips were busted, bleeding, and chapped.

"What do you think?" The man smirked and laughed by himself, making Jimin only angrier. Jimin stood up and used his leg to kick the laughing male in the stomach.

He spat out blood as Jimin continually kicked him, Jimin stopped as he noticed the male grunting.

"You should be doing more than just this! Cry! Fucking cry and beg for me to stop!" Jimin leaped onto the male and dragged him towards Y/n's body.

"How do you think she felt! Look at her!" He pushed his face in her direction. Jimin's hands move towards his neck and squeezed him, his grip tightened as the male face began to lose color.

"How do you feel now?" He let go of his neck and pushed him flat onto the surface underneath him.

"Oh wait," Jimin said with fake interest. "I don't care, because I'll make you feel every single thing I do to this worthless piece of the shit body you have."

Jimin reaches for the ropes that were filled with blood, the color that was once light brown. He wrapped it around his mouth and tied it behind his neck, seizing him tightly.

"Wait," A voice stopped Jimin from doing anything further.

"Let me do the honors." He turned around to see his hyung with dried tears down his face.

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