Chapter 5: Doubts

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The sky was becoming overcast as Grimbert left Richart's shop. Thick clouds were blowing in over the northern mountains. Fingers of gray mist twisted through the treetops, slowly covering the horizon in a dark quilt. It didn't look like rain, but Grimbert hoped to reach his home before the temperature dropped too dramatically. He lived on the outskirts of the city in a small thatched-roof hut that he shared with his mother. He was still a good ten minutes away, and he picked up his pace as he bundled his cloak tighter around his shoulders.

Mother was out in the garden. As he approached she hollered, "Come help me gather some turnips to put in the stew!"

"Yes mother, of course," he replied, picking up his pace. His gut clenched thinking about the conversation he was going to have to have with her over dinner.

"Boda stopped by earlier on her way to the market. She wanted me to ask if you could buy some cloth in town," she said as she stood up, straightening herself out slowly, creaking as if her joints had rusted with age.

Boda was Grimbert's oldest sister. He had four who had survived into adulthood, and now they were all married and had children of their own. Richart was the closest thing that he had to a living brother. "How much does she need?" he asked.

"I think she wants to make a new cloak for Johann before winter comes. So, several feet. I'm sure that she wants you to take measurements. That boy keeps growing! Soon he'll be big enough for his father's clothes!"

"I will see what I can do. Richart is always fair with his prices." If Grimbert had his own shop, he would gift his sister the cloth, he thought bitterly. His father had been a farmer and had paid good money to place Grimbert in an apprenticeship. But the guild strictly regulated who became masters and how many shops could operate in a city. They justified this policy by claiming that too much competition would hurt business. Richart had been lucky; he had inherited his shop from his uncle. Grimbert was just glad that he could always count on steady work from his closest friend. Many journeymen had to go from town to town looking for work.

And now Grimbert had been invited to travel with him to the east! They would spend every day together, riding out into the unknown. It was like a boyhood dream come true!

Yes, technically he had been hired to be a servant, but really, they would be going as partners. It was just that Richart had more wealth at his fingertips, and he was willing to help pay Grimbert's way.

As Grimbert dug in the dirt for turnips, his mother went inside their hut to add some herbs to their stew. He then continued with his evening chores, gathering water from the well, milking the cow, and picking a few fresh apples to have with supper. He ducked his head as he walked over the threshold and as soon as he pulled up a stool, his mother handed him a warm bowl and then sat down across from him.

Soon after they began eating, his mother asked, "What was your business this afternoon?"

"I had to help Richart in the shop," he answered with his mouth full.

"Johann said you rushed off quite urgently." Her eyes lingered on his for a long moment. It was like she could stare right through him.

Grimbert took a large bite of turnip and concentrated on the meal in front of him. Johann was nearly a man. He should know better than to engage in women's gossip! "We had a meeting with Father Cristianus. Richart has decided to take on a pilgrimage to the east."

"How pious of him. But what, I pray, does that have to do with you?" his mother inquired, acid lacing her tone. She had never been particularly fond of Richart.

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