The Black Blanket

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A Girl name Lizzy who was 17 yrs old Moved to Las Vegas With her Dad. Lizzy wasn't To happy about it Cause she already had friends in California. After Lizzy Was Done packing she decided to Get on her Laptop And play Roblox with Her
Closest Sister Eli.

Lizzy Found out Her Sister Eli Was Dead And Lizzy Started Getting Confused.
Then Lizzy called Eli's Old phone
And Eli picked up... And said Why Did U LET ME DIE! As she hollerd. Lizzy droped her Phone as she shaked in Fear. So Lizzy ran upstairs To grab a picture of Eli and a Black Blanket.

Lizzy Ran down stairs And Drove in her Dad's black jeep. Lizzy drove 3 miles til she Found the Semitary Where she barried her Sister 4 years Ago. And barried her Picture and said
"I miss u very much but i have to let go of u" As She got in the car And Drove Back to Her new Home with her Dad.

Lizzy cried as she Got out the Car. But when she got in the house she forgot her black blanket. Lizzy ran outside and oped the car door and she found out she left her black blanket in the semitary so Lizzy Went back to the Semitary and saw the picture agian and went back home...

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