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Hello there readers!

Welcome to my newest tale! Yes this is yet another Peter Parker orientated story, what do you expect, I'm kinda obsessed...

cover by marvelismycoffee

So in this story I have decided to make it a Reader x Peter Parker book.

This book will contain smut so if that's not what you're looking for that then please exit the book before we get any further. (though, to be honest smut isn't all this book is about — you can easily skip it if you don't like it and the plot will still be fine).

This book will be ongoing with updates whenever I feel like it.

Set pre-civil/Peter isn't Spider-Man yet.

I've always wanted my books to be like those ones with hundreds of comments on every line so feel free to spam the comment section.

p.s auto correct hates me so if there are any mistakes feel free to point them out to me (kindly) in the comment section x

Okay baiii

EDIT 2024: i wrote this book when i was 13/14—a minor. think before you comment some weirdo shit on here as i will not be nice to the weirdos anymore. i wrote this in 2018, it does not reflect me as a person today or my writing. the only reason i keep it up is because so many people enjoy it and are normal about it. if you feel the need to comment "#robbed" on chapter five, just know you're talking to 14yo me & about 14yo peter parker.

& for the love of god stop harassing me to write more for this story. stop abusing me in the final chapters and getting angry about things i chose to happen in a work of fiction i wrote.

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