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          THROUGHOUT ALL OF ENGLISH Peter could not concentrate. His brain was going mental. Everything was way too clear and loud — it was giving him a headache. Not to mention the fact that his hand was throbbing. Whatever injuries Chad and Todd had given him were nothing compared to this. Peter could barely feel the any of those injuries anymore. It's like those had healed to make way for the spider bite.

"Peter, can you recall Pythagoras's Therom for the class?" His math teacher, Mrs Cobwell asked him. Her shrill voice sounded painful to him now.

"Uhm C squared equals A squared plus B squared?" Peter replied, trying to sound nonchalant.


Peter felt like Scott Mcall from that show [Y/N] always forced him to watch — Teen Wolf. Except rather than being bitten by a werewolf, Peter was bitten by a spider. He started to wonder if he should go get checked out by a doctor but other than being able to hear and see way too well — he felt fine.

[Y/N] tapped her pencil against her wooden desk in boredom. Why did maths always seemed to drag out?

After what felt like years, the bell rang signalling it was time for Biology. "Remember to complete excises 7-12 in chapter 10.3!" Their teacher called out as the students began leaving.

[Y/N] was waiting outside the classroom for Peter when she heard voices. "Can you just let me through, please?" She heard Peter say impatiently.

"Aw look guys, pipsqueak said please." She heard another male voice say. "How cute. Sure Peter, you can go through."

She heard Peter let out a sigh of relief and begin to walk away. "Sike!" Said another voice and [Y/N] heard the sound of someone being slammed against the wall.

She wheeled around the corner as quick as that guy from the battle of Sokovia, Quicksilver. "Leave him a..." She cut herself off once she saw what was going on.

Peter had Chad Randall pinned against the wall whilst Todd Phillips tried to pry Peters hands off of his friends throat. "What was that you were saying, Chad?" Peter said, his voice was unrecognisable to [Y/N].

"I-I'm sorry." She heard Chad choke out. She watched as his face slowly turned from red to purple.

"Hey man, let him go." Todd said, sounding genuinely scared of Peter.

"Why? You wanna take his place?" Peter snapped. "You wanna know how it feels to be completely weak? To not be able to fight back?"

"Peter! Stop!" [Y/N] called, grabbing at his shoulder. "He can't breathe!"

Suddenly, Peter realised what he was doing and jerked back. "I-" He was lost for words. Had he really just choked out Chad Randall?

Before anyone could say anything to him, he ran out of the room and towards the nearest bathroom.

"Oh my god— are you guys okay?" [Y/N] asked the two jocks worriedly, she had no idea what had gotten into Peter.

Chad nodded as he clutched his neck, desperately gasping for air. "Since when did Parker get so strong?" Todd queried.

[Y/N] gazed over her shoulder towards the bathroom Peter had ran off to. "I don't know." She replied honestly. Something was going on with him and she was determined to find out.


Peter wasn't in anymore classes for the rest of the day. She kept staring at his empty chair worriedly in Geography. What the hell had she witnessed that morning? "Miss [L/N], I asked you a question," her teacher said impatiently.

"Oh, sorry." The rest of her classes went on like this until she could finally go home.

"I'm home!" She called out as she walked through the front door, "if anyone cares,"

She was met with silence which annoyed her because she could literally hear her family in the kitchen. She sighed as she walked into the kitchen to grab some food and evesdrop on their conversation. "—That's wonderful, sweetie!" Her mother cooed, pulling her sister in for a hug. "Isn't that wonderful, John?"

Her father nodded. "[Y/N]."


"Oh [Y/N]! Did your sister tell you her big news?" Her mother asked excitedly, not even bothering to say hello or ask about her day.

"No, if she hasn't been diagnosed with the Bubonic Plague then I'm not really interested." She replied, peeling a banana.

Willow rolled her eyes. "Keep dreaming." She said, "The cheer squad is going to perform at nationals in October and Coach says we have a real shot at winning."

"Really? That's what was so exciting. I thought you got knocked up it something." [Y/N] replies, her mouth full of banana, "also, same. The Decathlon team is going to take nationals home — again."

Her father sighed, "Decathlon team, pfft. It's just a group of glorified nerds comparing nerdy theories. At least with your sisters cheerleading, she could go places—"

"Yeah, the strip club." [Y/N] muttered, tossing her banana peel in the trash.

Her mother frowned, "look [Y/N] I know you're jealous of your sister but—"

[Y/N] scoffed. "Jealous? More like disgusted or repulsed or—"

"Do not interrupt me." Her mother chided her, "anyways. I know you're jealous of Willow but that doesn't give you the right to tear her down every time something good happens to her."

[Y/N] rolled her eyes, "oh but it's okay for her to do that to me though?"

Her father sighed, "just go to your room. I don't want to hear this anymore."



WRITTEN 09/07/19
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p.s. ooooh here's more about your family plus super agro peter to brighten your day.

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