20. Just Another Broken Reflection

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Just Another Broken Reflection

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Just Another Broken Reflection.

“Mingyu? Mingyu, I'm here. Talk to me, please.”

White. Everything is white. I could see nothing but white.

Where am I?


The soft voice called once again, and my feet unconsciously followed the direction where it came from. Something was pulling me, something that I couldn't fight nor resist.

“Who are you?” I asked, hoping that I wouldn't get myself in trouble just by following a soft voice that felt too familiar to my ears.

“Mingyu...” And it called once again, even as if the speaker hadn't heard my question.

“Do I know you?” I asked, louder this time.

“You'll know when you get to me.The voice answered, not giving the slightest hint of it's identity.

I walked and walked and walked, hoping to reach the voice, my body moving without even getting instructed by my brain. It seems like my limbs move in a wonderful rhythm, and I felt like dancing.

I don't know. I don't know.

The walls started swirling and swirling and droplets of what I assume was paint fell like raindrops, giving the walls and floor a wonderful swirling colours. I stepped aside, watching the swirling slow down, then come to a stop.

I sighed a breath of relief.

“Where are you now, Mingyu? I'm here. Let me out.”

I was jolted awake when I felt my blanket being pulled. I sat upright. I looked around to search for the perpetrator, until my eyes landed on a thin figure just beside my closet.

My heart started to beat erratically inside my chest.

“Mingyu?” He stepped into the light, my breath getting caught at my throat.

All the anger vanished away and all I could feel was the great longing for his warm embrance.

I stood up, taking long strides of step to get to him, then caged him inside a tight embrace once I did. I buried my nose in the soft strands of his hair, deeply inhaling his scent, filling my lungs. I closed my eyes.

This is it. Once again, i felt complete.

“You missed me, didn't you.” It sounded more of a statement than a question so I did not bother answering. All I could think about was the fact that Wonwoo's finally here, wrapped inside my arms.

“Mingyu, we need to talk.”

“This is not a dream, right?” I voiced out, not wanting to hear an answer.

“Maybe. Do you find me real?”

“Are you really here?”

“Maybe. Is this all real?”

I broke away from him, my lips curved into a smile. Seeing those eyes, that nose, and those lips...

I wanted it all for me. It was away for so long that I almost went crazy looking for it.

“Why?” I asked him.

“Why what?” He faked innocence, his eyes widening with amusement.

“Why everything. Why did you disappear, why did you leave, why did you hide, why are you here, why are you so beautiful...” I trailed off, taking in all his beautiful features before looking straight to his eyes again.

“You hid from me.” I whispered.

“I'm sorry for that, Mingyu, but it was for your own sake.” He turned his gaze away from me, "I'm afraid, I will have to leave you later on."

My shoulders fell and all the hopes of finally being with someone I love drifted away and jumped out the window. I wanted to scream at him, demand for reasons, beg him to stay. But I only stared, the heaviness in my chest made it harder for me to breathe.

“I came to meet you today because you deserve to know that I only wanted you to be fine. I exist for that reason.” He whispered, sincerity evident in his eyes.

I didn't know what to feel. The dizzying mix of the emotions he made me feel felt like a swirling storm inside me. I was scared, happy, mad, all at the same time. I was relieved to see him again, but the constant reminder that everything that is currently happening will soon end, pushes the relief away. I was already missing him.

I cupped his face with both of my hands.

“You don't have to worry about me, Wonwoo. All I want is for you to stay with me.” I said before resting my forehead on his.

He closed his eyes, his breath fanning my lips. I took in his wonderful mint-scented breath, closing my eyes as well. I pushed every other thing that occupies my head and focused myself on what's happening now.

“I love you.” I whispered before opening my eyes to see his face. His eyes were wide with shock, and his lips slightly agape.


And then it happened, I kissed him.

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