Bonus Chapter! Yaaaaay!

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Mingyu smiled the moment his speech ended, seeing some people wipe tears at the corners of their eyes, some are clapping and some are looking at him with sympathy. His gaze fell on his doctor, Joshua Hong, who smiled at him warmly, as if saying that he did a great job.

After all the challenges that came to Mingyu's life, he became stronger, with the help of his family and friends. Three years had passed, and life's getting better for him. Together with Joshua Hong, they went to places to share Mingyu's story, in hopes to inspire people to be stronger, and to make them realize that those challenges are not the end of their lives.

Mingyu had seen it, he had experienced it, and he couldn't hide the pride that comes with the thought of him surviving it. It was bittersweet. It was something he had accomplished, but cost him the love of his life.

M I N G Y U ' S

“I didn't know you're a great speaker.” Seungcheol patted my back as soon as I got down the makeshift stage. I smiled at him.

We both went to a table where my mum and dad sat, both had a warm smile on their lips. It makes me feel warm and good about myself. I wanted to cry, but I suppressed it. Now's simply not the time.

“Our son's a natural crowd charmer! Look at them, they're all swept!” My dad told my mum, a huge grinm resting on his lips.

“Girls are swooning over him.”

I laughed and shook my head before proceeding to sit down across them. Seungcheol sat beside Jihoon and I noticed the older's hand sliding down Jihoon's back.

I smiled to myself. Suddenly, the longing inside me lit up, sending burning messages to my whole body, aching for a certain one's embrace.

“Mingyu.” Dr. Hong called, making me turn back to him, “You earned a few fans, go greet them.” He smiled crookily at me, and I only shook my head in amusement.

He's been hooking me up with some girls, thinking that they might help me forget everything about my past. He just couldn't understand that it is my choice to not forget. I still stood up, and went to the so-called fans he was talking about.

A few girls handed me scarlet-coloured letters, chocolates and scented things. I smiled politely at them.

“Thank you, but I think I won't be able to accept these wonderful things.”

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