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I sit up in the bed and realize that Grayson is already awake. I think he said he had meetings today. I grab my phone and I have a text from Kaleb


K: out with Audrey and the twins are in meetings.

J: okay I just woke up.

It's still kind of breakfast time so I go in the kitchen and make myself a bowl of Kaleb's Cheerios. After I eat my cereal I go and change into an oversized sweater and a pair of leggings. Then I plop down on the couch in the living room and I turn on some Netflix.

About an hour later, the twins walk in the door. I smile at them and continue to watch Netflix. Grayson sits on the couch beside me and Ethan goes to his room.

"How did you sleep?" He unlocks his phone and sends out a Snapchat to his fans without me in it. I don't mind obviously because I'm not going to be introduced to the fans yet.

"I slept good. Better than I did back home." I smile.

"That's good."

"Yeah. I'm still wondering how Viv's doing still." I sigh.

"She'll eventually talk to you." 

"I know. I'm just worried about her being by herself. I kinda feel like a bad sister for moving, but I love it here." a tear rolls down my cheek. Grayson wipes it away and I smile.

"We can upload a video with me in it next week. People on my Instagram already know I live in LA now."

"If you wanna do that. We're not gonna do anything without your permission."

"It's okay. I want to."


Today's Monday and we're filming the video for tomorrow. They're gonna do the intro and we're gonna do a who knows me better challenge. We'll see if I know Grayson better than Kaleb knows Grayson.

"Grayson look up." Ethan focuses the camera and then hits record.

"What's up guys, we're back!" They yell their signature intro.

"And this week we're doing a who knows me better challenge. With two special guests." Ethan says and I smile.

"Kaleb obviously." They laugh and he sits beside Ethan.

"And his cousin, Joslyn." I sit down beside Grayson and smile at the camera.

"We're going to see if Joslyn knows Grayson better than Kaleb knows me. Joslyn has been living here for about three weeks now and she watched some of our videos." Ethan says to the camera.

"Okay. First question to Joslyn. What's my middle name?" Grayson turns to me and smiles.

"Bailey. Duh." I laugh. We high five each other. Now it's Ethan's turn to ask Kaleb a question.

"Kaleb. What's my middle name?" Ethan asks him.

"Grant." He replies.

I get the next four questions right and Grayson keeps smiling his perfect smile at me. I'm probably blushing by now. If Kaleb gets the next question wrong, me and Gray win.

I'm focused on Grayson until Kaleb yells "Fuck! I should've known that!" He smacks his forehead head and I smile at Grayson. I high five him and hug him.

"Well looks like Joslyn and Grayson win." Ethan laughs.

"She cheated." Kaleb pouts.

"I didn't cheat Kaleb." I laugh.

"We'll see you guys next week ON TUESDAY!" They yell.

"Wait can I be part of the peace? I've always wanted to." I interrupt.

"Yeah. Of course you can." Grayson smiles at me.

"Peace!" All four of us yell. Ethan gets up and turns off the camera.

"I wonder what your fans are going to think of me. What did they think of Kaleb?" I start to ramble. Then I sit back on the couch.

"It'll be fine. Our fans thought Kaleb was really cool." Grayson puts his hand on my thigh and sends shivers up my spine.
It's Tuesday and they posted the video a few hours ago. There is some hate like I expected, but a lot of the comments are relatively positive. Some people are even shipping me and Grayson. One says 'who thinks there's something going on between Joslyn and Gray? I ship it honestly. #graylyn'

I scroll down and find hate comments.
(*A.N. Sorry if your name is one I use in this. I'm just randomly typing names.)

@hannaht2348 : Joslyn didn't get the good looks from her family. Kaleb's hot and she's just ew

@kendraparker : Don't like her

I know most people hate on people for fun and everything. It still makes me upset. A tear falls down my cheek and Grayson walks in.

"Joslyn, what's wrong?" He walks over to my bed and sits down. I hug him tightly and he hugs me back.

"Just a little down from the hate comments." I sigh.

"What can I do to cheer you up? Ice cream?" He smiles and I nod.

"We'll go get ice cream. Just let me go get ready." He stands up and walks out. I get up and get changed.

I put on some mascara and perfume and put my hair up in a bun

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I put on some mascara and perfume and put my hair up in a bun. Grayson walks in and I smile.

"You ready?"

"Yeah." I walk out of my room with Grayson and we go out and hop in his car. We drive to a ice cream parlor. 

I get mint chocolate chip and Grayson just gets chocolate. We go to toppings we can put on ourselves. I put chocolate syrup, pretzels, and m&m's and Grayson does the same.

"This is fun." I smile at him and sit down at the bright yellow table.

"Hi. I'm so sorry to bother you guys. I'm a fan can I get a picture?" A cute girl probably around 15 asks us. Grayson nods and I take a picture of them.

"I'm Halley. Can I get a picture with you too Joslyn?" She smiles at me. I nod and take a picture with her.

"Thank you. I love you guys." She smiles and walks away.

"See. They do like you." He smiles at me.

"Yeah. I guess they do."

Hello :)

Chapter Three :p

Hope you like it💛

Are you in Grayson's lane or Ethan's?

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