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I apply just a little mascara and smile at myself happily. My hair is sort of wavy since I wore my hair in braids last night. I put on a pair of lululemon leggings and a simple t-shirt and smile. I decide to put my hair in a ponytail instead of leaving it down.

"Beautiful." Grayson walks up to me and wraps his arms around me. I smile and he kisses my neck sending butterflies to my stomach.

"You absolutely sure you want to do this?" He turns me around to face him.

I smile and kiss his lips softly. "Of course I want to."

"Just making sure. I don't want to pressure you into anything." He rubs his thumb across my knuckles.

"Gray. I promise you, I want to do this. And I wouldn't lie to you." I look deeply into his eyes.

"Okay. You ready?" He asks me. I nod and he kisses my forehead. We walk out of my bathroom and to the living room where we're recording the video.

"So we have an idea. you and Jess are gonna stay behind the camera at first and then we'll say 'we're back' and we'll come up with something really cheesy to introduce you guys." Ethan explains to us. We nod and sit down behind the camera as Ethan is setting it up.

"What's up guys we're back! Gray and I have been thinking, we've been single for a little too long, right?" Ethan looks at him.

"Absolutely. How about we change this." He says they clap and Ethan goes to stop recording.

I go and sit between E and Gray and Jess sits on the other side of Ethan.

"Okay when I turn the camera back on. We're all gonna clap." Ethan tells us and we nod.

He sits back down once he turns the camera on and we all clap. We all start laughing all at once.

"So. We have Girlfriends." Grayson smiles happily and puts his arm around me.

"We need to introduce them you idiot." Ethan says.

"I'm going first since I never get to. Guys this is my Girlfriend Joslyn. Yes, the rumors are true." We look at each other and smile.

"And there were some rumors about Jessica and I, and they are true also." Jess smiles and puts her head on E's shoulder.

"So, we're gonna be answering some questions." Grayson says.

"Alright so, when in how did we meet?" Grayson says.

"We'll answer first. I met Jessica through Kaleb's girlfriend Audrey about a year ago." Ethan looks at Jess and laces their fingers together.

"Okay. I met Joslyn through Kaleb, since she's his cousin. It was around seven months ago, and I didn't get to meet her until July. But I knew she was the one for me when I first saw her on facetime." He looks at me smiling and I almost tear up.

"Aww, don't cry." He laughs and wipes my tears away.

"Okay, next question. How long have you been dating?" Ethan says.

"Almost a month, wish it could've been longer." Grayson smiles and I smile too.

"Well, we've been dating for 6 months." Ethan says.

"Okay, next question. When did you know you liked each other?" Grayson says.

"So Jess, when did you realize that you liked me?" Ethan raises his eyebrows at her.

"Okay so, when Audrey showed me a picture of you, I thought you were really cute. When I met you, within that first week I realized that I liked you. What about you?" Jess says.

"Definitely within that first week, like when you were over here and you and Audrey were fighting with the water guns in the backyard and I heard your laugh. Definitely that moment." He smiles at her.

"Okay Gray, when did you realize that you liked me?" I look at him.

"I was definitely interested in you when Kaleb introduced me to you when you were facetiming him. When you got my number, and we had that first FaceTime call that night, and you fell asleep, I was kinda like oh shoot, I like this girl. I definitely fell for you when you were sleeping on the way here." He stares into my eyes.

"Wow. Well, I feel the same about the FaceTime calls. The ride home, and the first night definitely made me realize my feelings." I reply to him with a smile. He smiles back and kisses the side of my head.

"We had a bet on them for a while." Ethan says.  Grayson and I bust out laughing. I can't believe they made a bet on us.

"I can't believe you made a bet on us. Who won?" I laugh.

"I did." Ethan replies smugly. Jess rolls her eyes.

'I did' she mouths to me. We both start laughing.

"Okay, the next question is what's your favorite thing about each other?" Ethan says.

"Well my favorite thing about Joslyn is her bubbly personality, and her willingness to do anything. She's one of the strongest people I know." Grayson tells me. I almost tear up at what he says and he instantly gives me a hug.

"My favorite thing about you, is how you can listen to me so easily. I can sit and talk about the most random things, and you'll sit there and listen to me. The little things matter to me. I thank you for listening to me about my brother and my sister. Viv, if you're watching this, I hope you're doing well. I miss you, please talk to me." I look into the camera when I say the things about my sister.

"Anyway, you're turn Jess. What's your favorite thing about Ethan." I ask her.

"My favorite thing about him is is laugh. It makes me laugh, and you guys know I love to laugh. I love everything about him, but his laugh is my favorite." She answers.

"My favorite thing about Jessie is her stubbornness. I definitely am, but it seems like she's worse than me," he pauses to laugh. " And I love when she's passionate about something and shows it. If you guys don't know, Jessica is planning to go to college to be an elementary school teacher." Ethan says.

"Okay guys. We hope that you guys accept our girlfriends. Please respect our decisions. That's all we ask." Grayson says.

"We have girlfriends now." Ethan smiles.

"On that note, we'll see you guys next week on Tuesday." Grayson says.

"Peace!" We say in unison. Ethan shuts the camera off and I sigh.

"Nervous?" Grayson grabs my hand and rubs his thumb across my knuckles.

"A little." I look up at him. He hugs me and I inhale his scent and sigh.

"Everything's gonna be fine, I'm sure they'll be happy for us." He kisses my forehead and gives me a short, sweet kiss on the lips.

I sure hope everything will be okay.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

I'm trying to update this book as much as I can :)

Luv you all💛


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