Real Life

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elise's eyes widened to the sound of her mother bracing into her room. she was frantic, in a few hours she was flying elise and her best friend, corey, out to atlanta to stay with her son, henry, for the month.

it was a lot for elise's mom, she knew her kids would behave but having no kids home for the rest of summer was startling

"elise! out of bed! do you have everything?" her mother questioned.

"yes ma'am, i'm all ready" elise sighed, sliding out of her bed and jestering towards the large suitcase placed by the door.

the mother sighed, turning on her heels to leave the room. although she stopped in her tracks, turning over her left shoulder "thank you for being prepared, el"

elise's mom was always worrying about her, despite her age and her maturity, her mother always had to make sure her daughter was in perfect hands.

her father was more of a busy type, usually at work dealing with other people's problems. he was worried about elise just as much as his loving wife, but he was more light on her
safety in most situations.


after picking up corey and making it safely to the airport, the two girls exchanged a look of excitement, they'd never flown without adults before, it was a brand new experience

elise and corey had been best friends for 3 years, although it was a short amount of time, without each other, they wouldn't be close to the lives they live today.

elise started to daze off as they reached the check in line, questions running through her mind. nerves flooding her veins. excitement in her heart.

elise's mother snapped her out of her thoughts by ramming her with questions about the trip and the girls safety, "ok, be sure to keep your stuff together, stay together, be nice, text me everyday, keep your phone charged, am i forgetting something? wait! you need money, do you need money? here let me get you some money" her mother spits out in a matter of seconds

corey nods her head in agreement to everything her best friends mother stated, giving a slight laugh as she took the $20 bill her best friends mother forced her to take

"mom, it'll be ok, we're 16, and henry will be watching us while we're with him, and no i don't need money, i already have the envelope you gave me" elise calmly says, trying to keep her mother from getting emotional

her mother nodded her head, ignoring elise's statement about having money, shoving a few $10s into her hand

"put those in your wallet" she said looking away

"mom, it's okay" elise stated, pulling her mother into a tight hug

"i know, i know, just go have fun, i don't want you to miss your flight"

elise placed a kiss on her mothers cheek, moving over to her father to get a soft, loving hug

"be safe el, i love you" her father said, smiling at her as the hug broke

"i will dad, and i love you too" she said, turning to her suitcase

"i love you both" elise said, locking eyes with her mom

her moms eyes started to blink faster and faster, and elise knew the best thing to do was to turn and walk away, the longer she stayed, the more emotional her mother would get

"i love you most, elise" her mother said waving

"have fun! bye corey! we love you too!"

elise and corey turned, waving back at elise's parents, giving excited smiles

elise's parents returned the smile, intertwining their hands, her mother laying her head on her fathers shoulder


an hour later, the girls had safety gotten onto the plane and it was minutes from taking off

elise plugged her headphones into her iphone 8, and corey did the same.
elise showed her phone to her best friend, signaling the song that was playing, they exchanged a smile and a laugh before audrey showed elise her own phone, the same song playing, golden by none other than harry styles

soon they'd be meeting the cast elise's brother got so lucky to be in


first real chapter

apologies in advance bc this book is pure shit
it's based off a dream i had and yeah, i'm just sorry lmao

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