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first (sorta short) chapter WHORES ;) words in italics mean it's something she's thinking in first person <3


Meeting her idol in all his glory today was all Katana could think about. The mere thought of his pink ass lips and his raspy (but musty!) voice say her name brought waterfalls in between her legs and she was excited.

After posting on Instagram and finally deciding to make her way to the venue, Katana decided to send a few more texts to Stokeley in hopes that he would answer while in the cab on her way. It was pointless though, since he hadn't even read any of her messages or liked any of her posts or read any of her direct messages since the last time they had actually spoken. She wasn't bothered, but she wasn't happy about it.

Fixing her red striped shirt that was under her winter coat, she payed the cab driver his money and made her way out the taxi cab. The protected line of girls and guys of all kinds stretched from the venue's closed doors, all the way over to the corner and probably even passed the street signs near the bridge. Stokeley's ugly ass wasn't even that cool to have all these damn fans.

Making her way over to the security desk to get into the line, she took out her permit (she was only just now turning 18, what else could they expect) and her tickets to verify and waited behind a few of the girls in order to get her spot in line. Everyone's eyes were on her, whispering to each other, some taking photos, and some trying to call her name to see if it was truly her, but she hadn't noticed a bit.

     It wasn't until the group of girls in front of her glanced back for the fifth time that she, in sheer annoyance, rolled her eyes and stared back.

     "Is there a problem?" She deadpanned, making clear her annoyance with getting stared at constantly, especially when one of the bitches rolled their eyes at her.

     "Aren't you Katana?" The blonde one questions, flipping her hair behind her shoulder and staring into Katana's eyes as if her life depended on it.

     Katana looked at her, nodding her head and placing her eyes back onto her tickets with impatience written all over her face. Of course she was excited for the concert and ready to finally see Ski Mask, but the girls in front of her ruined her mood for a short amount of time as they continued to whisper. She wasn't famous, what the fuck were they taking pictures for?

     "If you're as close with Ski as ya' make it seem, then why are you waiting in line like the rest of us?" An olive skinned girl smirked, her remark making her friends chuckle. The only thing separating Katana from punching that little bitch in her jaw was the rope tied to a post going down the street

     Katana said nothing, not wanting to get kicked off the line as she finally approached the table and placed her bag down for the search. As soon as the man glanced at her I.D., he looked up at her and looked back at his phone as if reading a message.

     "You're Katana, correct?" He questioned as he placed everything back in her small purse. Was everyone going to ask me this shit? It's on my fucking I.D. you bozo.

     She replied with a simple yes, sighing and rolling her eyes at the constant questioning of her authority as he passed her, her identification card and purse back and stamped her tickets. He stood up, grabbing a marker and drawing a dark X on her hand and opened the gate next to him.

     "I've been told to allow you into the venue as soon as you arrive." Katana stared at him in confusion, excitement, and shock, as well as the other girls next to her. But she had no time to respond as she was pushed through the gate by security and into the side door of the venue.

     Katana's feet found themselves rushing to follow the lady with the long lanyard in front of her telling her what's going on, as she still couldn't believe she was let into the venue by personal request. He hasn't been answering any of her text messages, so why the fuck was he asking her to show up. I don't even give a shit about that anymore, he wants ME in this bitch BEFORE everyone else.

     They arrived to a set of white double doors that had music and laughter coming from the other side. The blonde lady slipped a lanyard on her neck, a hard smile on her face as she opened the door and allowed her in with not a single other word to say. The smell of weed, cologne, and chicken filled her nostrils as she caught sight of everyone in the room just as quick as they did of her. Of course Stokeley's fat ass has food in here.

     She was in shock, not believing the fact that XXXTentacion was sitting on a couch directly across her, with KiD Trunks next to him laughing as Robb Banks was smoking a blunt sitting in between Trunks legs. She couldn't believe Coolie was on a seat by himself, a girl on his lap as he was talking to DJ fucking Scheme. They turned towards her, greeting her as if she was a long time friend. Katana couldn't say a single damn word.

     "Wassup Katana, nice to finally meet you!" Scheme had been the first to stand up, giving you a side hug and a wide smile as you felt your eyes tear in a star struck expression.

     "What the fuck." Was all you could say.

     People chuckled, but it was one that stood out to you. With a cigarette poking out the left side of his lip and a shirt with the word fuck written all over it and a red durag adorning the top of his show hairless head, in front of you stood Stokeley Ski Mask The Slump God Goulbourne in the flesh and in perfect order. He had a smile on his face, a genuine one, as he walked closer to you in the midst of reaching out to give you a hug.

     You wanted to cry, you wanted to pass the fuck out, but most importantly, you wanted to kick him for ignoring you texts for the past few days while he had you thinking he was in danger.

     Of course, all you could do in complete embarrassment was punch Stokeley in his jaw.

I'm probably going to punch Ski when I first meet him for ignoring the gc we have for him on IG and that's tea

Btw do y'all like Harry Potter, important question pls answer dolls 😤😤😤

#longlivejah <3 xox -thrashermag

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