chapter four..

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chapter four               "i beg your pardon , I am very much sure am not engaged" I told the short lady while still a little bit shocked ..

"oh , yes you are Rose " said samantha while pressing on my shoulder

"umm .. no I am not"

"well" said samantha " it's not really up to you , now is it"

"if that's not up to me then what is"

"I told you before someone like you doesn’t really have a choice" screamed my sister

"SAMANTHA" said a loud strong voice .. I looked around and there was my father, My sister looked at him wide eyed "am sorry father .. I didn’t realize you were present" "and if am not is that any way to speak to your sister" She looked at the ground obviously embarrassed "No it's not am sorry rosetta" said samantha to me with fury in her eyes I thought I might actually melt from the look she gave me "sweetheart do you accept her apology" said my father, my father always treated me well because I am the only one of my sisters who didn’t get to see my mother and for him am all that's left from her besides my sisters of course and he was also known for his strong character .. no one could refuse his orders "it's okay father" I said to him with a smile "fine then" he said "now meet your fiance" "really, that's what I was already dicussing with her…"

The short lady interrupted me " hello , rose am mrs.oddete.. and your not engaged as in engaged" how many meanings are there exactly.. "but um this is victor ha .." Now I interrupted her .. payback time "and to him seriously .. just because I have a scar you couldn't find anyone except someone who is completely and utterly deformed" that last one kinda slipped out .. The man looked at me with his eye it's a dark shade of green .. he looked more hurt than offended and everyone else had an expression that said pure shock hopefully he didn’t hear "well thank you lady rose" so he heard .. " but I got this in battle and am proud of it regardless" he said while putting his hand on his eye.

At that moment I hoped that I would really melt but I couldn’t answer back what would I say . He gave me a faint sweet smile " then walked toward the door opened it and left .. and every single person in the room was still to shocked to react .. what did I just say !! .. After that by a few minutes william execused himself and left and that night I got it from everyone about my behaviour and being seen with a peasant and leaving the mansion without notifying anybody it was a long night …. One that wouldn’t end I went to my room hoping to get some sleep and all night long I kept having terrible nightmares of an old lady pointing at the hill "there you'll find your answers ,, there " she kept repeating "there" and when I followed her hand I then found my self stepping of the edge of the hill

… I woke up screaming on my bed sweating … "thank god" .. I looked beside me and grabbed the matches to light up a candle "the clock is ticking , rose .. all you have to do is go there" said the old lady standing beside the bed .. I screamed again but this time when I woke up I was REALLY in my bed I got dressed and went down stairs for breakfast .. I heard someone knocking on the door and I was carefull opening it.. I was still a bit shaken up by the dream And standing there was__william with such a brilliant smile on his face "hello rose , did you miss me"   .

darkness behind the rose .. "on hold"Where stories live. Discover now