1 || The New Guy

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The Basement - November 27th 1980
(The day before Hyde's Birthday)

"So when is Jackie gonna get here?" Kelso asked for the millionth time, his question getting a wave of annoyed sighs from the group.

Surprisingly Fez was the one who spoke up this time, "She will get here when she gets here! Now shut up you son of a bitch!"

Donna and Eric both started laughing, but Hyde kept his eyes glued to the newspaper he was pretending to read. Truth be told, he had been wondering the same thing for the last hour and a half. When Eric told him that the gang was getting together to celebrate Hyde's 21st birthday he had actually been happy for the first time in a while... The idea of being surrounded by the people who had been in his life the longest while he bought a keg of beer legally for the first time was actually quite appealing. However, the gang was supposed to all arrive around noon so they could catch up, but it was currently-

Hyde checked his watch- 1:47

"Thirteen" Donna chuckled. Hyde glanced up at her from beneath his shades, "What?" He inquired, his face holding its usual blankness.

The blonde smirked, "That's the thirteenth time you've checked your watch in the last forty five minutes," She revealed.

Hyde looked back down at his paper. Fuck. "So?" He asked, turning the page to further show how unbothered he was by the question. He hasn't seen Jackie in weeks... ever since everything that happened with Sam, he and Jackie had went back to their usual routine of hating one another... only this time it was much less playful and much more real. Hyde had let Jackie closer to him than anyone else, so she knew which buttons to press to really set him into a rage. However, Hyde knew all of Jackie's insecurities, so when she pushed he knew how to push right back. It was a cycle that always lead to one of them snapping and saying something to make the other storm off... eventually Jackie just kind of stopped coming around to the Basement. She still went to The Hub to hang out with the gang... but she had pretty much stopped talking to Hyde altogether. Whatever. Little does she know, it's a blessing to not have to listen to her constant bitching.

"So?... HYDE! Are you" Donna leaned forward, drawing out the next word to annoy him, "Wooorrrriiiieeeeedddd?" She placed a hand over her heart and leaned back to her normal position.

Yes. None of us have seen her for a week, how is no one else worried? Hyde snorted, "No. I'm just annoyed that she's taking so long. We're supposed to be catching up, but you losers wanted to wait for her to get here." He snapped before leaning back in his chair.

Eric ran a hand through his hair, "You know, Hyde's right... come on guys, we haven't all been together in this basement as a full group in months. And we've been planning this for weeks so if Jackie misses out on some of the catching up because she was late, then it's her own damn fault,"

Although his face remained blank, a trickle of relief ran through Hyde. He was about to voice his agreement when the door to the basement opened and in walked the one and only Jackie Burkhart.

He hated himself for it more and more every time, but as soon as his eyes landed on her face his first thought was always: Damn, she looks beautiful. This time is was more than that though, her hair was wavy and she was wearing more expensive clothes than usual... even by JACKIE standards. But before anyone could comment, an unfamiliar guy ducked into the basement behind her. Jackie took off her oversized sunglasses and gave the group a thin smile, "Hey guys," she greeted, taking a step or two inside.

Everyone in the basement looked back and forth  between Jackie and the random guy, before Donna finally broke the silence, "Hey... Jackie... and?...." Jackie motioned towards the guy, "This is Matthew." She introduced, stepping aside where Hyde could really get a good look at him. He was a tall, well built, good looking guy who was wearing the "My family comes from good money," type of clothes. Hyde immediately disliked him.

Jackie tried not to steal a glance at Hyde before her next words, "He's my new boyfriend..."

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