Chapter 1 |:| Home Sweet Gladiator

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"In the middle of the night,
I look up to the sky. I can hear you whisper to me"

«– • –»


     I slowly opened my optics only to be greeted by a bright light. I groaned and lifted my arm to cover my optics. I blinked a few times adjusting my optics to the light. What had happened? I looked around the cold metal room I was in. It looked like a med-bay to me, with medical tools and equipment around. I sat up in the berth I was in and looked at my arms. There were wires and energon tubes connected to them, I ripped them off and tossed my legs off the side of the berth.

     Slowly I stood up using the berth as a crutch. I regained my balance and looked around the room, I spotted a table with multiple medical tools on top. I got curious and stalked over to the metal surface. The tools still had energon on them, I furrowed my optic ridges and picked one up. I examined the tool in my servo until I retrieved the memories I had lost.

    "Nightrage! Nightrage! Nightrage!" The crowd cheered on as I exited the main gate of the pit. My mouthpiece covered my intake hiding my emotions. I didn't need anyone knowing what I was thinking or feeling. I preferred to be emotionless. I unsheathed my twin blades which had been infused with dark energon. Dangerous? Very.

     I swiftly walked into the center of the ring, the hot metal burning my pedes slightly. Around me was an oval-shaped wall about 30 feet high. Some tall walls, I know. The whole place was packed not one seat was unoccupied. Apparently, all the bots around wanted to see me fight the second best gladiator in these pits. Soundwave. I wanted to lose. Purposely. I wanted to stay as the third. To just be known as the third. I don't want any praise like other bots I knew my place and it wasn't as the second.

     I heard pedesteps coming this way exiting the gates. The noise had died down to nothing more than silence. I could hear some bots making bets on who would win. Most said me. But that would never happen, for I would let Soundwave win. I turned to face my opponent bowing slightly in a 'good luck' sort of way. I was never known as the one to say good luck or even let others win against me but this was an exception. One I could live with.

     The speaker cleared his throat and Soundwave and I looked up to 'the box', that's what we gladiators called it, "Today in the ring we have two of our best fighters: Nightrage!-" The crowds cheered at my name making as much noise as possible. They quieted down so the speaker could speak again, "and Soundwave!" The crowds cheered but not as loud as they did with me. I smiled sadly knowing I would fail them, but my reasons were not their concern, "Gladiators! You know the rules! Three!

     I took a deep breath and readied myself.


     I closed my optics and heightened my senses.


     I opened my optics and stared at Soundwave.


     I lunged forward with great speed heading straight for Soundwave. I swung at him with my twin katanas landing multiple blows. I wanted to make it look like I was winning but then let the tables turn and remain in my rightful place as the third. I cracked Soundwave's visor with the hilt of my sword and kicked him in the chest plate sending him flying back. He bounced on the ground twice but got up quickly and knocked me off my pedes. He stepped on my servos making me let go of my blades. I held in a scream and grunted in pain. I looked up at him and squinted my optics. I made it clear I didn't want his place I preferred third, but we had to make the fight look like I wanted it. He understood and nodded slightly only so I could see.

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