Chapter 8 |:| Nemesis

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                                                                                 "This is the start.                                                                                                                                                                     The start of it all"

  «– • –»  

     My optics were wide. How could someone keep this, of all things down here without anyone realizing? It was huge, and the far underground was I? It couldn't be that far. I stepped out from the doorway and further onto the metal platform that stood on the side wall of the large room. 

     To the right was a large control panel, that had many confusing buttons on it. I made my way over there, not taking my optics off of the ship, it was dark purple with a few red lights. I loved it, and I thought it would be a great present for Soundwave and Megatronus. Since he said he wanted to start some political type of thing, this would be a crazy place to live in while trying to fix the unfairness caused by the higher-ups.

     As I reached the panel I realized none were marked. How could I be so stupid as to think they would be marked, I mean the bots who were here obviously knew what they were doing. Whereas I don't. How am I that dumb?

     I rolled my optics and glared at the control panel, cursing it for having so many buttons. I placed a servo on my hip and one on my chin. There must be one to open the hangar doors above me, I thought still scanning the panel. Until I found a large red button that kept blinking the said colour, (Yes, I spell COLOR / COLOUR this way. Don't Judge.)  and I know what they say, 'Never Hit The Big Red Buttons, Or They Go BOOM!' It was stupid, but I was going to press it anyway.

     I hit the button and prepared for the worst, but again, nothing happened. I looked up and surprisingly the doors were opening. The centerpieces of the doors slid back under the second and the second under the third, leaving a large enough space for the Nemesis ascend from the docking platform.

     Speaking of, now I had to find a way to get in. I looked around the platform until I found a staircase on my left leading down to the lower platforms. Before I went down there I looked over the railing facing the ship and scanned my optics over the lower platforms. I could see one that held full and another platform that mad the weapons for the ship but that was nearly at the bottom, but about two levels down was a large catwalk that lead up and into the ship.

     I got too excited and decided to jump the railing. I landed on the platform below and sprinted to the right towards the catwalk. I jumped another rail and did a forward roll to break my fall. Now I stood about 10 feet from the catwalk. I moved slowly towards it running my digits across the dusty railings that did not ensure safety.

     Instead of walking up the catwalk casually I ran towards the ship. Thank Primus the door was open or I would have to scale my way to the top of the ship and look for an entrance there. As soon as I enter the door shut behind me and I jumped back gripping Lunam tightly while staring at the hard surface. How in the pits did that happen?  I thought staring at the wall that used to be the entrance.

     Slowly I backed away down the halls, once far enough away I turned forward and made it a priority to find the bridge. I took left turns and right turns, going down many corridors and reaching unsearched rooms. Most of which were empty. I even came across a heavily guarded room that seemed to be the vault, but everything was empty. There was literally nothing but dust.

    Finally, I had reached a staircase, I decided to go all the way up to the top past at least 5 decks. The last deck was small and had small crates that looked to be weapons storage. I opened the crates only to find nothing, as usual for this ship. 

     Behind me was a double door that slide to either side as I came up to it. I walked through only to find a very large and long flight deck, on the left, was what looked to be a satellite dish. On the right seemed to be a large door, probably a storage area or maybe even a training room. This was exciting. Finding a ship in an old abandoned warehouse's basement. How lucky are we to choose the right place?

     I eventually headed back down the staircase but stopped on the deck just below the one I was just on. Since it was just below the flight deck, I was thinking that this might be where the bridge was. And I found out I was right. Down a few halls and a few turns, I had made it to the bridge. It literally looked like it had a bridge in it but it ended in a circle with a control panel at the front. On the front walls where what looked to be three very large screens, and I mean VERY large. On the right and left were monitors of some sort, computers to probably track, navigate, type reports that kind of stuff.

     I walked forward on to the catwalk like thing my optics still wide at the place. I looked back to the control panel and found the on button. I pressed it and a very loud noise pierced my audio receptors. I held my servos over them blocking out the sound a little, "State your designation and rank," the computer spoke over the sound in a deep male voice, "Nightrage, gladiator," I said loudly, the noise stopped and a file popped up on the three screens, my file. What was it doing?

     It looked like it saved it into its system so it won't end up killing me on accident. That was a very pleasant thought. I looked at the screen and thought for a second. If it asked me to say my name, and it has a voice, could it be voice command activated? I guess I will have to try, "System restart," I said clearly and it did so following my orders, this is definitely a good present for the mechs. 

    Once it restarted I looked to the panel and said, "System shutdown, unless commanded by me otherwise," it followed the order and shut down. Now I had to find a way to get off the ship and I knew that door was sealed. Then I remembered the flight deck since I didn't have a vehicle or animal form I would have to scale it.

     I took the stairs by to and went through the doors and to the edge of the ship and stared down towards the platforms, on the right I could see the door. I jumped off the edge and started making my way down carefully. Now I remembered, I still needed that datapad. I ran out of the hangar bay and into the partially rusted hallways. 

     Then I remembered, on the door it sad hangar bay one which meant that there had to be multiple. I looked to the right finding it a dead end and straight was where I came from so it must be to the left. I trudged through the thin layer of energon on the ground, I was definitely going to regret this later. 

     I had reached a second door with hangar bay 2 written on it, I knew I would find it soon it was just a matter of time. 






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