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i just want to remind everyone that there will be possible triggers throughout this book. please read with caution.
- ellie

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third person pov

Scarlett groaned, her body ached like she had been hit by a bus or something. Her head was pounding like the beating of her heart and her ears felt like they were bleeding. She tried to rub her tired eyes, but one of her hands were stuck. She grumbled and rubbed her eyes with her free hand.

She opened her eyes, but the light was too bright so she had to squint until her eyes adjusted. When they did, she looked around the small room, there were random things in the room, but she saw her backpack just across from her with some trash on top of it like it was trying to hide. The room itself, it was like the size of a walk in closet.

She knew where she was.

Scarlett's breath caught in her throat then suddenly it all came in and out fast. She was hyperventilating. She looked at her wrist and saw she was handcuffed to a long railing that connected to the wall behind her.

"You're dreaming. You're dreaming," she told herself, trying to calm herself down, but she couldn't.

She tried to pull and yank the stupid thing off even the she knew it wouldn't work. She stopped trying and put her head in her hand. She pulled at the roots of her hair trying to get herself to wake up before he came in. She knew this scene all too well. It was one that switched between the branding. She knew he would come in any moment.

"Wake up, Scarlett. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake-"

The door opened and it slammed on the outside wall as he came into the small room. His eyes were blood shot and around his blue irises and his skin looked pale like he was a vampire.

"Little change of scenery...do you like it? It smells better than manure," Hunter said stopping in front of her.

His eyes looked at her and her heart stopped, but part of her became relieved when he looked away. His eyes fell to the floor beside her and his jaw clenched. He crouched down in front of her and he moved to grab the blunt he had behind his left ear. His right hand nearly took it, but instead he struck her in the face. Scarlett didn't scream, but a sob did escape her.

"You threw up those perfectly good pills, Xiulan."

"Hunter, let me go," she begged, her cheek was bleeding from his ring breaking her delicate skin. "Please, I-I just want to go home. I-"

"This is your home, Princess. Our home," he murmured, running a knuckle down the side of her face.

"No, this isn't my home. I need to go home to my parents. I need to go home to J-"

Hunter grabbed Scarlett by the neck, his dirty nails digging into her neck as his dilated eyes looked into hers. She was sure he drew blood and it would leave a mark on her.

"You're home is here. You're always talking about that little brother of yours. It's his fault you're in this situation. This is his fault and yet he's still all you ever talk about."

"H-Hunter. Let...Let go," Scarlett struggled to breathe. Her free hand pushing him, but he grabbed it and slammed it to the wall.

"You'll never leave, Xiulan. You'll be here until you die and till then, you're mine. All mine," his said grabbing the fabrics that separated him and her.

"S-Stop. Please. P-please."

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Scarlett gasped, her body shooting up from her sheets that were soaked from her sweat. Her mail was scattered all over the place, but she only cared about on envelope and it sat right on the edge, dangling off.

She took it and ripped it open before grabbing the piece of paper from inside.

I wonder how your brother will react when he finds out it's all his fault. He'll know why you are the way you are. He'll know it was his weakness that put you through hell.

thank you for reading

- ellie

too many mistakes; lin yanjunWhere stories live. Discover now