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third person pov

"No," Scarlett whined, her legs and arms wrapped around Yanjun's leg. Her face was squished against his knee as she hugged onto him.

"Baby, I need to go to school," Yanjun laughed. His backpack hung onto him by a single shoulder and his phone was in his hand. He was wearing all black and had a bad boy vibe, but Scarlett knew how soft Yanjun really was. Although, that didn't stop how she loved the look on him.

"Don't go," she pouted. She brushed her teeth, washed her face, and threw on some pajamas since she wasn't going to work until later on.

"As cute as you two are and as happy I am that you're back together we gotta fucking go," Ziyi said motioning towards the front door.

"Fine," Scarlett whined and got off Yanjun's leg. She sat on the hard wood floor as he held a hand out to her before pulling her to her feet and Ziyi, Xukun, and Linkai walked out the front door.

"I'll see you later, okay? I'll be home in no time," he chuckled before pecking her lips with his hand still in hers.

"Okay," she sighed as he pulled away and looked down at her. The two of them exchanged I love yous before Yanjun really had to leave.

And then Scarlett was utterly alone and bored since everyone had school and she had finished with her online classes. She was excited about winter break since it was exactly a month away for the others. She didn't have anything planned, but knew she wanted to spend as much time as she could with Yanjun, her brother, and the others. Like the past couple months, it would difficult since her succession was coming up leaving her with more pressure.

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"This place is an absolute mess," Scarlett muttered, looking around her father's office. She had nothing to do so she decided now would be a good time to help clean it up a bit.

She plopped down into his leather desk chair and got to organizing. She looked over some of the papers, but only the ones she knew weren't private. As she did so, she hummed and tapped her foot, making it a little more enjoyable to have peace.

Soon enough, the desk was more than half way done. She moved quick when she was enjoying herself and when she got to the last couple pages, she stopped.

Her eyebrows drew together at the blue prints in her hands. She was familiar with them since she was asked to look them over during the summer, but some tiny notes were written on them.

"Scarlett Night Entertainment," Scarlett muttered, her finger tips brushing over the title of the blue prints. A small text was written under it and Scarlett nearly chocked.

For my daughter, Huang Xiulan.

"Oh my Yanjun," Scarlett's hand came to cover her mouth as tears prickled then fell from her eyes.

"Your father wanted to tell you himself," Mr. Qui entered the office having known she had come in. "He was going to keep the company until he could no longer hold on and while he was sick we needed time for the building to finish..."

"I...I almost married Andrew," Scarlett stared at him in disbelief.

"I wouldn't have let you and I was sure Yanjun wouldn't have let you either. You wouldn't have let yourself do that," Mr. Qui stated. "And you didn't."

"You dead ass told me to marry him. You're an asshole," Scarlett commented.

"You're relationship with Yanjun is stronger now though. Besides, we need to keep the company until your entertainment gets big...I was hoping you'd know that since you're a smart kid," the man chuckled.

"Yeah...I guess," Scarlett nodded and looked back to the blue prints. "How long did he...plan this?"




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Scarlett couldn't help, but be happy that she wasn't taking over her father's company. She of course felt bad that she would let go of their legacy, but she loved music. It was a big part of her and for her father to give up the company was a huge deal.

She wanted to go see the building since it was a little less than halfway done, but Mr. Qui refuses to allow it stating that her father wanted to show her when it was done. She was also asked to keep it a secret since they would have to let the staff go after the plans fell into place.

"You're crazy," Scarlett stated, sitting in the chair beside her father. "I...I can't even believe this. You had me stressing out for nothing, you old man! Hurry up and wake up so I can scold you and tell you all about the trouble you caused me."

Scarlett's lips pulled into a smile as she grabbed her father's hand and squeezed it.

"Still...thanks, Dad," she chuckled. "God, I can't wait to tell Justin and the others. Maybe they could be my first trainees, but I'm not going to play favorites. I'll be tough on them, but you know, not too tough."

Scarlett became quiet and the room filled with a comfortable silence until Luxie, his nurse entered.

"Ms. Huang, someone dropped this off for you," the nurse said, handing Scarlett a white envelope. Before she could ask who it was from the girl walked off.

Suddenly, a shiver ran down Scarlett's spine and not a good one. The hairs on her arms stood as she saw some blood on the white parchment.

It's a hospital, Scarlett thought to herself, releasing her father's hand as hers shook. She tore open the letter and breathed deeply as she pulled out a regular sized folded paper. They're usually thin.

She carefully unfolded it and bile rose from her throat. A collage of pictures from when she was beaten by Hunter and words written in red at the bottom.

You can't forget about me, Princess. I was only silent then, but now I'm coming for you and if anyone gets in my way. They're dead.

too many mistakes; lin yanjunWhere stories live. Discover now