My Favorite Mistake: For Single Gals

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THE MISTAKE: Falling for guys who are already in a relationship

WHY YOU DO IT: You just can't get over the love of your life who is, unfortunately, already commited.

THE FIX: Hanging out with someone who is already taken can get complicated, not to mention risky. Bear in mind that you could ruin an otherwise happy relationship if you entertain prospects of being with an attached guy. You don't want to be dubbed as the "OTHER WOMAN," do you? If the guy makes advances on you, then be the first to avoid his moves. If he's serious about you, he'll have the guts to choose you over his girlfriend. Expand your circle of friends too, so you can get acquainted with other awesome single guys instead.

THE MISTAKE: Being too shy when boys are around

WHY YOU DO IT: You don't feel confident when interacting with guys. When your crush approaches you, you freeze and feel the urge to run in the opposite direction.

THE FIX: Ask your peers to help you strike up a good conversation with boys. When they're around, don't be too concious and don't just hide in one corner. Hold on your head high, drop those jitters, and let your natural self shine through. If you believe that you are confident, it'll be easier for you to warm up to guys.

THE MISTAKE: Being afraid to take the leap

WHY YOU DO IT: You're not yet ready to enter a relationship. Hello, you have other priorities!

THE FIX: Hey there, commitment-phoebe! What's keepin you from taking the plunge? If you really feel that you're not ready yet for a relationship, then its good to take your time. But you can't always make your busy schedule an excuse not to go out with guys. Eventually, you'll have to get out of your shell and make a bold leap forward. If a relationship gone sour is your season for leaving the dating scene, give yourself some time to heal. One day, you'll be brave enough to take another shot at a better, happier relationship.

THE MISTAKE: Being too picky

WHY YOU DO IT: You won't settel for anyone else other than Mr. Dreamboat: romantic like Edward Cullen, hunky like Jacob Black, popular like Harry Potter, wacky like Joe Jonas, and sweet like David Archuleta.

THE FIX: Because of your sky-high expectations, any guy who attempts to catch your eye won't eve stand a chance. Try widening your set of criteria in looking for a significant other. You don't have to lower your standards, but be reasonable. Think about the values and qualities that are really important to you. Who knows? Your chemistry lab partner who has been secretly trying to get your attention might just turn out to be your perfect match!

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