Kirishima Eijiro x Artistic!Reader {Cute}

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Kirishima x Reader
Soulmate Au
{Idea from tumblr, not sure who the original poster was}

Every morning after school, you'd do the same thing. Grab a few colored sharpies from your pencil holder that sat on top of your art desk, and go crazy drawing flowers on your arm.

It was the one thing that always brought you joy and relaxation in your life. Especially when you go to an art school where you have to draw what they tell you. In your eyes, you were not free. You had no artistic freedom there.

But at home after finishing your homework, you'd sit on the bed and begin to draw your favorite thing in the world, flowers.

You'd draw all types of flowers. Roses, tiger lilies, daisies, sunflowers, Dahlias, Amaryllis, Marigolds, and so many other types of flowers.

Flowers are colorful and full of many details depending on the flower you draw. But you always choose the most beautiful ones with lots of color and details, since it always brought peace in your mind.

Sitting down on the bed, you began to start drawing some roses first. You used a black maker to draw all of the roses details before using dark reds and light reds for shading and highlighting each rose.

After drawing the few roses, you began to draw sunflowers next, and dahlias to help contrast to two completely different flowers together.

For two hours you worked on this. Using a white, jumbo sharpie to add last minute highlights before you were satisfied with out it looked. It was quite beautiful in your eyes. Usually, you'd take off the flowers before bed, but you decided to keep them on until morning for a change.

Preparing for bed, you changed into some comfortable pajamas, freshened up in the bathroom and took out your school uniform tomorrow. Quickly you became sleepy, and soon enough fell asleep

Kirishima admires the flowers on his arm for as long as he could. He knew that soon they'll be gone as his soulmate would wash it off her arm right before bed. Though this one art piece in particular, is one that made his heart flutter with happiness.

The way the colors were mixed, the highlights, shadows, detailing, outlines, everything was done perfectly in his eyes. He was happy to know that his soulmate is an artist, so every night before bed, he had a beautiful masterpiece on his arm to look at.

Once it was nighttime however, he noticed the flower patterns didn't go away like they normally would, which have him some hope that maybe he could find his soulmate tomorrow, or even in the next few days. All he could really do was hope.
———Next Morning———
"Ahhh !" You screamed as you looked at the time on your phone. It was 8:00, and you had 30 minutes to get ready and walk to school before you're late.

Scurrying out of bed, you quickly slipped off your pajamas and threw on your school uniform which was a Khaki pleaded skirt with a white button up top, and navy blue blazer as well as an enamel pin with the school's logo and calf high, navy blue socks.

You ran into the bathroom and washed your face quickly and threw you hair up into a ponytail, making it as neat as you could possibly get it.

Hurrying down stairs, you grabbed a granola bar and slipped on your school shoes at the front door, grabbing your cream colored jacket from the coat hanger as well as your (f/c) backpack, leaving the house and making sure the door was locked.

While walking to school, you ate your granola bar looking around at the nature that surrounded you. You've come to terms with the fact that you were gonna be late, so you decided to take it easy and walk to school instead.

Taking in the bright green leaves that decorated the tree, pink flowers growing from the tall grass and the baby blue sky, you gave a small smile. Even though it was winter, the flowers still bloomed and everything was still bright.

However, not paying attention to where you were walking, you ran into someone who must've not been paying attention either as you both fell onto the cool concrete.

Looking in front of you, you noticed a spiky red head rubbing his head as he fell, his fiery red eyes looking into your (e/c) ones. Immediately your heart started to race, and your face flushed a bright pink color.

"Im so sorry. I'm so clumsy, and i was just taking all the sights that I wasn't paying attention and—"

"It's okay, I was doing the same," you cut him off, holding back a small chuckle at how he was acting. You stood up off the ground, wiping any dirt off your light colored skirt, fixing your jacket as well.

As you fixed your jacket, he suddenly grabbed your wrist, causing you to yelp. "Umm..excuse me?" You were confused as to why this stranger suddenly grabbed your wrist.

"Sorry, Umm..can I see your arm ?" You tilted your head curiously, put lifted up all the sleeves on your arm, showing him the flower designs.

"Ah, I forgot to wash this off last night. My teachers are going to kill me." You mentally sighed to yourself. However, the red head lifted his arm up, showing the exact same designs

" you're my—"

"Soulmate..." he cut you off mid sentence. That explained why your heart beat so intensely, and your cheeks flushed pink.

"Well...what's your name," you asked quietly, a bit shy that you're still only a high school student, yet you already met your soulmate.

"Kirishima Eijirou, Class 1-A at the UA. And you ?" Wow, a student from UA, he must be in the Hero course if he's in class A

"I'm (L/N) (F/N), class 2-A at the art academy not too far from UA."

"That exceptional student one right ? I should've known you went to an art school." He chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his nape. You gave him a small smile and held his hand.

"Well, I'm already running late and if I show up now my teacher would probably give me an ear full. So..would you like to just go to the park and talk y'know ?"

"I'd enjoy that. I also want to hear everything about you and your art. So please talk my ear off at the park."

You gave a small chuckle, and nodded your head, shyly grabbing his hand before heading off to the park together to start your newly found love.
A/N: So..since I've been having writers block, I'm opening up requests. However, I'm only allowing two at a time. So as of now, two slots are open for request, so leave your requests in the comments~ and don't forget to vote ! <3

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