Kaminari x Doll!Reader {Cute}

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Kaminari's P.O.V

Every morning, I get on the same bus to head to my high school, AU, the bus comes at the same time every morning 6:30 a.m., and I also take this bus home after school, which comes at 5:15. The time the bus comes and leaves never changes. And nor does the girl who sits in the back bus change either.

When I get on the bus, she's already on it. This is both the morning as well as the early evening. I always see her. She sits int he back alone. Her pink backpack always sits in the seat next to her. Though nobody pays her attention, I was always curious about her. Her (e/c) eyes always showed a hint of sadness in them. Her (h/L) was always style with some type of accessory either a headband, flower, or bow.

Her clothes were always bright and colorful in some way. It seems she prefers to wear baby blue, pastel pinks, and lavender colors. Her appearance was almost child-like as that wasn't the only thing odd about her. Not only did she wear these bright colors, she matched them differently. Sometimes it'd be Lolita dresses with extravagant tights and matching heels. Other times she'll wear the extravagant tights with bloomers or shorts. Her shirts wear always buttoned up white shirts with small ribbons tied around the collar. Can't forget the cardigan that matches whatever she was wearing.

Her accessories always included three main elements. A hair accessory, a decorative umbrella, and her backpack. Her appearance stood out greatly. However I can't help but notice the evident sadness on her face. Underneath the colorful makeup and colored contacts was a girl who was always sad, but used bright colors to draw attention away from her sadness. It was almost like she was hiding something that she didn't want to show to the people around her.

This morning, I decided to take a leap of courage and I sat besides her on the bus. Nobody had ever sat besides her, so I thought she'd be shocked. But she ignored me. Almost like I wasn't there. She acted like a doll. No life was apparent to her face. Her skin almost like porcelain now that I can see it up close. Her clothes resembled that of a doll. Is she even real ?

"Umm..Hello." I tried speaking to her, but no response. Not even a blink in my direction. Did she not want to talk to me. "My name is Kaminari. I go to the UA, and i'm in the hero course. If youre ever in trouble, you can count on me to help you." I gave my cheesy smile. But again, no response. Before I can say anymore, the bus stopped in front of the UA.

Sighing to myself, I got up and got off the bus. A few other students had gotten off the bus as well. Once the bus drove off, I noticed her look in my direction from the window. But no facial expressions could be detected from her face.

"Dude, it's not worth trying." I looked int he direction of the voice, and noticed a black haired student from the general studies course besides me. He continued talking. "Clearly you haven't heard about the rumor surrounding that girl. So I'll tell you. That girl, her name is (Y/N). She is our age but she got into a fashion college from being an exceptional student. She was dating some dude who attends here now, no one knows who so don't go looking for him, and he broke her heart."

"Apparently they were dating for a long time. But once they broke up, the heartbreak devastated her so much that she changed. She took on a doll persona. Dolls don't speak, they don't move, nor do they show any emotion. People have tried to talk to her, but it never worked. Nobody even looks at her anymore because they have choose to just accept that she is no longer..human."

Taking in the story, it began to make a bit sense. The doll like appearance, her not speaking or acknowledging my existence. But I don't want to give up like the others. A heartbreak can hurt anyone and cause them to do some irrational things. Maybe she just needs someone to talk to. Someone to listen and understand. And I'll do just that.

So for the next few weeks, I had a routine going. Every morning, I would go sit in the back of the bus right next to (y/n), and I would make the conversation simple. "Hello, how are you," I'd say. I would never go no response, or even a reaction from her. But it was a start at least. And I would notice her eyes advert to me through the window when I'd get off, which is a start.

During the evening, I'd do the same thing. Except I'd change what I'd say. "Hello, I hope your day went well today," and I would continue by telling her about my day at the UA. Though I never got some sort of reaction, it still felt good being able to talk to her. And for the next few weeks, this what I did.

---1 Month Later---

"See you tomorrow," Kirishima yelled out at me as I got on the bus to head home. Out of habit, my feet went towards the back of the bus. I sat down besides (Y/N), a bright smile was plastered on my face. "Hello, I hope your day went well." I paused for a moment in hopes that she would maybe finally speak to me. But nothing, as usual. So I decided to continue talking, like always.

"Today we worked on strengthening our quirks. I can now produce more electricity without frying my brain. We even did some training with the pros heroes. More like rescue training. It was quite exciting actually. I'm happy I applied for UA. Otherwise, I would never become a pro hero. And I wouldn't want to live a life without helping people.

"Seems like you really enjoy attending UA." My eyes widened in shock. This was the first time she'd ever talked to me before. Though she didn't face me, she..talked to me. "Ah yes, I do," was all I could say. I was in quite a state of shock. "Kaminari is your name, correct?"

"Yes and yours is (Y/N)," I responded. "Yes, I'm sure you heard the rumors about me haven't you ?" I simply nodded. I was about to speak, but she cut me off. "No need. I can read your mind. A friend from school told you about me." Now I was in an even more state of shock. "Wait..you can read my mind ?"

"Yes. I know what you've been up to. It's sweet." I noticed a small smile curve onto her lips. But I didn't bring it up, I only smiled a bit. "Is the rumor true, about you."

"Yes..sort of. There are missing pieces. I will tell you someday. But for now, this is your stop." I was caught off guard as I noticed where we were. I didn't want the conversation to end. I wasn't ready. "But-"

"We'll talk again soon." And with that I got up, and grabbed my bag. "See you tomorrow." I spoke before heading off the bus.

Finally, I got her to talk to me. It took a month, but it was worth it. Her voice was so pretty, almost angelic. And the small smile that curved onto her lips made her look so..happy. She was always so sad. But for once she seemed happy. Maybe we'll speak again.. the thought of us talking again made my heart beat faster. My feelings for her have grown..but will she even want another relationship ?


A/N: Part two will be coming soon hopefully. Don't forget to vote, and comment your thoughts~  Till next time !

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