Daithi De Wildcat-A Month Together (Part 1) (SMUT WARNING)

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Some Daithi De Wildcat Yuuup
I thought of this while listening to music
This is gonna be a multi part series (probably) so here we go!
This is gonna be a multi part series (probably) so here we go!


The crew was gathered around a large table trying to think of something to do when Evan thought of a idea. Smiling to himself before standing and signature "Alright" scaring everyone.

"So I thought of something, IF the two people aren't gonna be pussies about it..." He started with a smirk scanning the peoples faces in the room.

"What is it?" Brian piped up confused what his friend going at. "Alright, so I have a 'dare' to Nogla and Tyler" he began again looking at his two friends for their reactions. "What do ye mean?" Nogla questioned confused.

"Yeah..."Tyler asked along with Nogla. "SO! I dare you two to spend a month together IN THE SAME HOUSE! Acting like a couple and if you get enough balls to do it, have sex at least once." Evan finished, everyone in the room was either silent or was coughing or just in shock.
Nogla and Tyler were just two of the people who where in shock. "Why the FUCK would you suggest that EVAN?!" Tyler shouted snapping out of his shocked state, to angrily question his friend. Evan shrugged, "Well I thought I'd spice up all or at least two of are lives." Evan reply simply.
Nogla snapped out of his shocked face to look around the room. Some were looking at others and others looked confused. Nogla then looked to Tyler, "Ehh that's pretty weird Evan..." Nogla began "I-I Don't think you k-know-" Nogla was cut off by Evan, "Well are you two in or not?" He questioned the two, "Or are you two pussies?" He asked Tyler being competitive wanted to take the dare despite what Evan put out there last.
He didn't know if Nogla would be okay with it either. He looked to his friends confused face and arched an eyebrow. Then looked to his other friends looking at their faces as well.
Evan began again after some silence, "So yes? Or no?" He asked Tyler took a breath before answering. "Sorry Nogla, but yes, I ain't no bitch pussy." Tyler said confidently slightly regretting what he just agreed to.
Nogla breathed in a breath before agreeing as well, "Look I am also not a pussy so I'll do it." "So here's how it'll go! Every two or so weeks we'll all meet up and discuss how everything is going. AND you two are going to a special house so everyone doesn't have to walk in on anything plus I don't want our house get in a mess or something." Evan's house thing was weak but they decided not to question it. You two pack and we'll head off!" After they packed the two headed off as Evan dropped them off and took off back to the shared house. The two got out and walk to the door Tyler sliding the into the keyhole unlocking the door turning the knob and pushing open the door. The house was clean the colors matched and everything just looked all around nice. Nogla looked around and sat on the couch.

(Big yikes on my part !Time Skip! Sorry)

Tyler and Nogla had been the same really around each other as they were before but Tyler managed to convince Nogla into wearing turtlenecks when they meet with the guys just to look at the disappointed looks to find out they hadn't done 'It' yet. Tyler thought it over not wanting to seem anymore like a pussy they were now 4 weeks into the dare and they haven't done the mostly weirdest part of it yet...sex... he went to Nogla and sat next to him. Nogla looked over to show he noticed Tyler. "So Nogla you know we haven't done the whole couple thing and sex." Nogla's face became hot as he began blushing at the part he forgot about. "And I don't feel like beginning to get teased by the guys and being called a pussy." Tyler said bluntly. Nogla understood he also didn't want that although he was used to being called that by now. "How would that even work right now? L-like getting in the mood for sex?" Tyler questioned But Nogla didn't know the answer and stood saying he'd be back later and exiting the room.

BBS/MISFITS FROM TUMBLR AND AMINO. Or what I've just writenWhere stories live. Discover now