Safe and Sound - BBS AU- P.T.1 - Intro

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(Ah boys here we go!)
Inspired by songs mostly

The smell of smoke filled air and grey and orange sky became the normal, what started this? That was a hard question to be honest no-one really knew. People had theories some thought fires and many of then attest caused the smoke filled air or some weird government experiment. No one knew if it was only in America because it caused power use and all outside contact unusable. The only places untouched by this were mostly unpopular states or areas. The lesser known and lesser used area were just as they've been. As well as some parts of Florida and New York. Most people think it started in California, the big collapse of America. Did other countries know about what had happened? Or was this happening in other countries as well?

Well it hasn't. Just in one country. Only in America. Now everyone outside the country began to notice the unusual silence from America. But why was everyone in America being so quiet? Shipments were still running, and other various tasks. But nothing so media reports or Internet comments or videos. Just static.

A few times the Internet would start up again then stop. Power worked mostly. It would cut off for 5 or so minutes then turn back on. So as you can understand people are visibly confused and kind of angry. Some people would be sitting at the computer or at their phone so when the Internet cuts back on they type a message as fast as they could to make an sentence before it was sent automatically. So tweets or posts were mostly cut off sentences trying to tell everyone else what was happening.

This has been going on for a week now, everyone and everything is being to get worried that the power and other things might permanently cut off.

By now the other countries have noticed that the U.S. Might need help and isn't quite stable right now. Everything is still being shipped and people can still come in and out. But how come the smell of smoke is in the air, and the sky is such an unusual color for mid-day?

What about the people? The workers? And our favorites? The YouTubers? What is the Government doing right now to stop this? Is this going to get worse? Oh no the power is about to shut off agai

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2019 ⏰

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BBS/MISFITS FROM TUMBLR AND AMINO. Or what I've just writenWhere stories live. Discover now