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A/N I will be updating more frequently because I got back from vacation until school start


The wind blew past me and the adrenaline  buzzes in my bones. My spidey sense explodes in the back of my head making me attach to the wall and look around. Below me is a figure dressed in dark clothes with a gun pointing at another figure. Quickly I drop from the ceiling in front of the man in black. 

"Whoa, whoa, hold on, hasn't your mom told you shooting people is bad?" I quip with a smirk, even though he can't see my face.  With my hand I motion for the person behind me to leave quietly. I sense a bullet flying towards my heart, time slows down and I quickly dodge the bullet before it can hit me.  I then extend my hand and shoot a web towards his hands then throw him against the wall. He scrambles to his feet and tries to break out of the web. Instead I web him against the wall and tell some random kid to call the cops. I climb up the wall and sit on the ledge of a building. Thud. Thud. Footsteps crunch behind me and I turn around but don't web him. My Spidey sense doesn't go off. What is happening? When I see the big red and gold suit I nearly fall of the building. 

"Hi Underoos!" He says taking off his face plate. 

"What do you want Tin Can," He steps out of his suit and smirks. 

"I like you. Any how Mr. Pirate wants to talk to you," 

"Mr. Who?" I ask becoming a little uneasy. 

"Mr. Fury, Director of SHIELD," My eyes bug out of my head and my jaw drops a little. Am I in trouble? Mr. Stark chuckles a little bit, "He wants you to be an Avenger. This time I almost do fall off the roof. Luckily I can stick to the wall and quickly stand back up. Mr. Stark laughs and takes a step closer. 

"We would love to know who you really are, under the mask, but we could make arrangements for you to stay hidden." Oh my gosh. Holy crap. Wait... What about Aunt May. 

"Would I have to live with you?" I question worriedly. 

"Come with me and Fury will answer all your questions." I follow behind him as fast as I can. The sun bounces off the shiny tower. Tony pushes open a door revealing whit shiny tiles and big windows with a polished counter and a lady wearing a high bun with a large computer in front of her. A voice from the ceiling says, 

"Nick Fury is waiting for you in the conference room," 

"Thanks FRIDAY," He responds shoving his hands in his pockets and leading me towards the door. At the end of a long hallway he pushes open a large door. A man is sitting behind a large desk dressed in a black trench coat and an eye patch. 

"Hello Spiderman. I want you to be an Avenger, we don't need your identity, even though I would love to have it. And I wouldn't tell anybody, also you don't have to live hear at the tower, but you must stop in everyday, and yes please continue your patrols." Fury then shoves a paper and a pen towards him, "If you have no questions sign this, you can use your superhero name, but once you do show us who you really are you can re-sign with your real name." Holy crap, if I pick up this pen, I become an avengers. What about Aunt May though? But I could do so much more! Without further hesitation I grab the pen and sign Spider-Man at the bottom.  Holy Shit. I'm and Avenger! I quickly thank Fury then walk  behind Mr. Stark out into the hall. Ned is going to flip! 

"So you have time to meet the rest of the team?" He asks. 

"Yeah! Um- I just have to be back at my house at 5... I have plans," I say. It will probably sound strange if I tell him I have to be home by dinner, it makes me sound like  a kid. Well I am a kid, but he doesn't need to know that. 

"DOES SPIDEY HAVE A DATE TONIGHT," Tony all but yells as we step into the elevator. 

"NO no, um my Aunt is just coming over for dinner tonight," I say. It's not a COMPLETE lie. The elevator stops and the doors slide open, inside are the Avengers. I lose my breath as I walk into the room with my idols. But I can't act like a kid. 

"Hi everybody, this is Spider-Man our newest team member. And before you ask he is not telling you his identity, Fury an I don't know it either." The team looks a little surprised Fury doesn't need to know his identity but eventually they smile and say hi. When Dr. Banner greets me I think my heart stops. Good thing I'm wearing a mask! 

"So Spidey, what are all your power," I smirk, not that they can see that either, then respond, 

"Well, I am pretty fast, have super strength, can stick to stuff, have this thing called a spidey sense which warns be when their danger, so that gives me really fast reflexes. Then I designed my web, those aren't actually in my wrist... That's gross." Bruce and Tony look up at me wide eyes.

"You m-made the webs! Can you show us how you made them sometime?" Bruce exclaims blushing a little. 

"You Dr. Banner want to know how I made my w-webs?" I ask in shock, "By the way I have read all your papers on Gamma Radiation and find it incredible," Tony and Bruce eyes widen even more. 

"You understood that!" He exclaims. I shrug and nod. I can't believe what is happening. 

"Would you look at that another nerd!" Clint calls, Natasha slaps his shoulder. 

Karen: Incoming call from Aunt May,  (A/N Karen will be in bold so you don't get confused.) 

"Accept call Karen," I say earning curious glares from everybody. 

"Peter! Your late for dinner again!" 

"Uh Sorry Aunt May, Ned and I where working on something and I lost track of time," I bluff. She sighs then says by and hangs up. 

"Who the hell is Karen?" Tony asks even more shocked. 

"Uh I maybe sorta kind of hacked into your computers and well recreated FRIDAY but named her Karen." The whole group looks at me in shock, I just awkwardly shrugged my shoulders. 



"OH MY FREAKING GOD YOU ARE AMAZING!" Oh my gosh. Tony Stark called me amazing! Oh my god! 

"My friend Ned helped a little, but uh nice meeting you all see you later," I say and quickly leave not wanting to stall Aunt May any longer. The other Avenger however just sit their in a silenced shock as I exit. 


A/N Next chapter Clint and Natasha will begin school! I just don't want to rush anything in this story. Hope you liked it and thanks for reading!

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