|Chp. 27: The Interbreeders and crushes|

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We slowly began packing for when we'd be leaving. Putting our clothes in the spots that they'd need to be. Erick said give it a week to let the horse completely recover before we began moving completely. Erick marked this spot.

Once more we went on a hunt. This time we shot down a white tailed deer and a smaller moose. We skinned them and put their meat away and ate it as well. The next day we hunted down six rabbits, and captured another bagful of fish. Once more we skinned them.

With those rabbits everyone got a pair of gloves to wear. The scales once more were thrown into the fire to keep it going. Hiro let the horses walk around a bit to stretch out their muscles and they all did good once more and it was good to see them improving.

Ruby helped me make Raegan's gloves. He got an ordinary cottontail gloves, not that Raegan cared any. But Ruby loved helping me make them for her. She learned how to sew things together which she seemed to love doing. And went to talk to Raegan about learning to make things for everyone.

It seems I had awakened something inside of Ruby. She seemed to want to make lots of things. Quinn gave them the deer fur to make into a blanket. And Ruby asked me for help as she wanted to make the blanket. She seemed so thrilled at learning how to.

The moose's fur was divided up into clothes and once more Ruby came to me to help her make clothes. Ruby made some pants, except they were too small for any of the bears, including herself. When I saw who she gave them to I realized why she made them so small.

Ruby gave them to Hiro who simply smiled at her. He accepted them with a thank you. And then a hug which Ruby seemed to melt into. That girl had it bad for him. And Hiro was completely unaware of it. Practically everyone was unaware of how much Ruby liked Hiro.

Except me it seems. When we made the gloves Ruby insisted on making Hiro's. She put so much time and effort into them. She wanted them to look perfect for Hiro. She was careful and picked a nice plush black color and took her time on them to perfect them.

Sure with Raegan's she took her time and effort into them, but nothing like Hiro's. Although the two would look cute together. In the wolf world, interbreeding between wolf species wasn't frowned upon. Even when wolves were allowed in the cities they interbred with dogs and the occasional coyote.

A reason some of the city animals didn't mind wolves, specifically dogs. The German Shepherd, Huskies, and Alaskan Malamutes mostly. The German Shepherds the most since some of them are known to carry some wolf in them. So interbreeding with wolves was common. Gray wolves with artic wolves, artic with red wolves, red wolves with gray wolves.

They all interbreed together. But I didn't know all that much about bears. Erick mentioned that he was the result of an interbreeding, but he never specified. At least I think he said that. Although I'd have to ask him. Which seemed to be the perfect thing to do.

Hiro, Quinn, and Raegan were out hunting. Ruby was busy with some of the clothes and packing while Erick had broken a piece of the antler off to make himself a dagger. He had a rock and was sharpening it. A sharp rock to be exact.

Bits of the antler was on the ground as I came up to him. 'What are you doing?' Lupa asked as I neared him. "About to find some things out about bears." I told her and Lupa nodded. 'I'll be digging up some of my bones to chew on before we have to leave.' Lupa said and I nodded as she bounded through the snow.

Personally I think she just wanted to dig at the snow. When it snowed Lupa loved playing in it. At any means as well. From bounding through it digging it up so this was her way of 'slyly' digging it up.

Walking over I sat down next to Erick. He looked up. "Ah, hi Silver?" Erick more of asked a bit confused. "Hello Erick." I said as he brought the rock down once more. "Um. . . is there something you need?" Erick asked a bit nervously making me smirk before stop.

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