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We packed all of the important things. Our clothes, some fur, dried meat and jerky that Erick and Hiro gave us for our journey. And twelve bottles of tea and water. They offered us three horses or a cart, but Quinn rejected.

"We can walk there." Quinn insisted and Erick nodded. We packed our things before waiting at the gates for everyone to say goodbye. I looked up as Ruby came over with a bit of a smile on her face. She watched Thaddeus with caution who smirked at her making her speed up.

"Be careful Silver ok? Your heading to a place full of polar bears. Either a den of polar bears, maybe even a castle of polar bears. But there will be lots of them. I know there will be. So be careful ok?" Ruby asked and I nodded at that as Quinn talked to Thaddeus.

"And thank you for helping me stand up and be myself." Ruby said. "No problem, you needed it." I told Ruby who smiled. "I asked out Hiro, we're going on lunch together, and Raegan even approves. Although he threatened to castrate Hiro if he hurts me." Ruby said with a smile.

I nodded that. "Be careful." Ruby said before giving me a hug as Esmeralda and Erick came up. "Be careful." Erick said. Esmeralda smiled at me. "Be sure to come back." Esmeralda said and I nodded at that. "I have advise for you two as well." I said.

Erick raised his eyebrow. "Keep your little romantic conversations in your room. I really didn't want to know who's on top and who's not." I said. Esmeralda turned bright red. Erick looked completely shocked. "You heard that?" Erick asked and I nodded. "So keep it to your two's room." I said and Erick sighed.

"Bye Silver." Erick said. "Bye Erick, remember that." I told him and Erick shook his head before smiling just a bit as he walked away with Esmeralda at his hip. Raegan stared at me. "I don't like you that much." Raegan said. "Feelings mutual." I told him.

"But you saved my sister, so I don't hate you, more of a dislike with a bit of admire, from a distance." Raegan said. "Be safe." Raegan said before walking away as I looked at Lupa. 'I wonder what we're walking into.' Lupa said. "Guess we'll be finding out." I told Lupa as Quinn looked at me.

It was time to leave. I felt anxious as I followed Quinn out the gate. "Don't forget to come back." Erick said and Quinn nodded. "I won't, we won't." Quinn said as we walked out and Thaddeus went down the trail that I found him.

And we braced the cold and to Quinn's family we went.

451. And Vol. 2 will starts! You'll either be waiting if I decide to publish each book one at a time or if I even published them. I guess we'll be finding out. I'll see you guys in Vol. 2.
Update: I'll be publishing one book at a time. But I'm doing a graphic contest so stay tuned for that chapter.

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