Chapter 6

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After Shadow had left Driftbreeze had gone into the warriors den. Creekripple was worried about him and so was the rest of the clan. "He'll be ok, he's a warrior and he has a whole clan of support" Blueshadow meowed Creekripple was grateful that her mother understood.
"I'm so worried about him Blueshadow, he never told any of us this, being forced to must have been so hard!" Her words ended in a wail of distress.
"It was hard when I had to tell them about Soarstar being my mother" Blueshadow meowed and Creekripple tried to imagine her mother being young, scared and confused about where she belonged. "I thought I'd be driven out by those who had lost kin to Soarstar, and can you really blame them? I wished more than anything else that Nightstar was my mother instead. But the clan learned to accept it and I learned that the clan would accept me for me if I gave them no chance to remember who my mother was. Even so, many still blamed me when they had no one else to blame. That won't happen to Driftbreeze because Shadow hasn't killed any clan cats." Blueshadow meowed.
"One thing does confuse me, and it's obvious that Driftbreeze has no idea what she means but I'm curious about what happened after Driftbreeze left twolegplace she said that Driftbreeze leaving ruined everything but what could that possibly mean?" Blueshadow's confused gaze gave Creekripple her mother's answer. Only Shadow could tell them the truth, and no cat had any idea if she would.

Driftbreeze sat beside Creekripple, eating a mouse, he blinked at her "I know you're curious about what happened, what happened after I left, but I don't know, and it will stay that way" his meow was firm and Creekripple understood, Driftbreeze wanted to forget Shadow existed. "Why would Shadow think I owe her anything?" He added, sounding puzzled "she destroyed everything I loved back then, now she thinks I owe her something, I saw my mate die!" His final words were a screech of pain and Creekripple flinched and Driftbreeze immediately looked guilty. "Sorry Creekripple, I just, whenever I think about her, the anger is so hard to live with. "I wish she knew how it felt but she never cared about anyone but herself. The cats that follow her are afraid of her and afraid of those who they sleep beside in Shadow's den." He glanced at her and shook his head sadly "my mate was called Dawn, she had thick red fur and the clearest blue eyes I'd ever seen! I loved her so much Creekripple. After I found out she was having kits, that's when I tarted begging Shadow to let us hunt, before that we'd walked all the way to the other side of twolegplace but if Dawn coudn't manage that, then we coudn't leave her, Shadow was too dangerous. The kits were still only a few days away when I guess Shadow had had enough, she attacked and when I got back Dawn was the only one who was still alive, barely, she just told me that she was sorry..." Driftbreeze's eyes widened with horror suddenly and he dropped his voice to a whisper "her belly was smooth! She'd had her kits by then! There were certainly no kits when I found them! That means... my kits must be alive Creekripple! Shadow must have them! That's why she think I owe her something! I must find my kits! I must go back to twolegplace to save them!"
"Not without some warriors with you" a voice meowed behind them and Creekripple whipped around Juniperstar!
"I'll go!" She volunteered Driftbreeze shook his head.
"No! Shadow knows about you, you'll be in more danger than anyone!"
"I'm going with you Driftbreeze!"
"I can't let that happen!" He meowed, visibly shaking "I can't bear the thought of Shadow hurting you!"
Creekripple eat her tail drape comfortingly over his shoulders "I understand, but I can't let you go without me, I'd wear out my whiskers worrying about you, and, Blueshadow would kill me if I was distracted!"
Driftbreeze nodded with a heavy sigh "all right Creekripple" he sighed Juniperstar purred.
"Excellent! I'll send Shadedrift, Dappleflower, Cinderblaze, Lynxheart and Nightflare with you, you'll need a strong patrol" she added darkly "who knows what that mange pelt could be thinking you owe her."
"Whatever it is, we'll rescue my kits and bring them home and they can train as warriors" Driftbreeze meowed, his eyes darkened "I'll make Shadow regret ever taking them."

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