Chapter 11

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"You mouse hearted, shrew brained cowards!" Shadow yowled in Blueshadow's face as she told her what had happened at Sparrow's den.
"You're the coward! If you thought for five seconds about someone who wasn't yourself, you'd understand the problem!" Blueshadow snarled.
"Well, it's too late!" Shadow hissed, she turned to shove her face in Driftbreeze's "say goodbye to your kits!" She hissed maliciously.
Driftbreeze's eyes widened with horror "no! Please don't hurt them!" He wailed Shadow glared at him. Creekripple blinked she's been planning this the whole time! For all we know, those kits may not even be Driftbreeze's! Then she shook her head no, the tom looks exactly like him and one of the she cats looks just like the way he described Dawn.
"I'm willing to have a trade" she hissed.
"What kind of trade?" Blueshadow asked tensely
"Driftbreeze's clanmate for his kits" Blueshadow's eyes widened and Driftbreeze looked horrified.
"No!" He gasped Shadow turned and began to walk towards the den where the prisoners were kept.
Creekripple took a deep breath after everything, I owe this to Driftbreeze. "Take me!" She yowled, leaping to her paws and intercepting Shadow "No!" Her clanmates yowled while Shadow looked maliciously thoughtful.
"Very well" she growled she raised her voice, making Creekripple flinch "Spider! Stoat! Let the prisoners out and guard this warrior" she meowed, her voice was scornful when she said warrior and the kits bolted out of the den and ran to their father.
Driftbreeze gazed at her, his blue eyes wide with fear "Creekripple! No!" He yowled Blueshadow looked horrified and Shadedrift and Nightflare huddled beside her.
"Protect Driftbreeze's kits! Take them to the clans!" Creekripple yowled after the cats as they were shoved out of the clearing, the kits gazed at her, their eyes wide with horror before they disappeared. I know I did the right thing, StarClan make it hurt less please! Creekripple thought, trying to swallow her horror Stoat, her brown fur crisscrossed with scars padded over and shoved her roughly into the den, yet her eyes were filled with wonder and surprise. Creekripple laid down in the den, and let her misery flood her as she fell into a comforting wave of sleep.

Creekripple yawned and starched, flinching as her skinny frame brushed the side of her nest, the food she'd gotten was horrible and she desperately missed the comfort of being in a forest, fully fed as she would be in Greenleaf, she missed her clanmates and hoped they'd be missing her too, just not too much. The lean, strong muscles she'd had as a warrior had wasted away and she was incredibly weak, there was nothing to do all day except lie down, she'd thought about attacking one of her guards, just to make the pain go away, but for some reason she didn't. She had no strength left, as usual she fell into another sleep, that was all she had the strength to do.

A paw prodded her awake and Creekripple blinked, she'd known for ages that Shadow's main rule was that no cats were allowed in the den she opened her jaws to deliver a snarled reply, being awake was painful. "What are you doing you mouse-" she stopped she recognised the cat standing in front of her, embarrassment and guilt wormed beneath her pelt "sorry" she murmured then meowed "how is Driftbreeze and my clan?" Nightstar nodded slightly.
"I see you are worried about them, despite your endless troubles" she murmured and Creekripple nodded.
"Of course! They're my clanmates and family! I'd gladly have given my life for them!" She meowed then murmured "and in a way, I have."
Nightstar brushed her muzzle along Creekripple's head "you are one of the most noble warriors I've ever had their privilege to speak to. Fear not, your story does not end here" as she spoke the final words a picture flashed in front of Creekripple's gaze, she was sitting beside Driftbreeze with three kits prancing around their paws. Almost at once, the image faded and Creekripple tried to reach for it but it was gone. Let Nightstar be right, please StarClan!


"You're back! How did it go?" Juniperstar called Driftbreeze gulped his kits had been so brave during the journey and had filled out nicely but they'd paid a terrible price for their freedom, he missed Creekripple desperately, her optimism, her spirit, her scent, everything! "Creekripple! Where is she?" Juniperstar asked, looking over the cats.
"We-" Driftbreeze choked and couldn't continue so Blueshadow told the whole story. Lightshine had beckoned to the kits and taken them to the apprentice's den to rest, they still had no names and Driftbreeze knew he'd have to name them, Shadow had been cruel to not give them any names but he'd always imagined Creekripple would help raise them with him. He forced his paws to move and padded over to the apprentice's den, he couldn't listen to Blueshadow's recount of Creekripple's terrible sacrifice. The kits blinked at him as he entered, he felt awkward around them, he didn't blame them for what had happened but he wished he could have Creekripple and them he beckoned them closer. "I need to name you, I should have done this long ago." He placed his tail on the tiny dark red she cat's shoulder "your name will be Dawnpaw, after your mother, she will be so proud of you" he glanced at the grey tom who looked like him, blue eyes and all "your name will be Stoatpaw" he murmured he gazed at the last she cat she was grey with white patches and huge green eyes, she reminded him of Creekripple "your name will be Wolfpaw" he murmured, remembering Creekripple's fiery spirit and courage but elegance and level head his voice caught in his throat and he swallowed.
"Those are perfect names" a voice meowed and Driftbreeze thought for a moment maybe Creekripple had escaped then he turned to see Juniperstar "come, they will become apprentices immediately" she meowed, turning away and Driftbreeze followed with his family following.

"Are you ready?" Juniperstar's meow snapped Driftbreeze out of his thoughts she'd decided to send a patrol from all four clans to free Creekripple and Driftbreeze had requested that his kits come too with their new mentors. Dawnpaw had been apprenticed to Cinderblaze, Stoatpaw to Dappleflower and Wolfpaw to Mistshine. He was proud of their progress, they all were special to him, he just needed Creekripple to finally be part of a true family.
They were talking beside the barrier now, they all had the same serious expression and Driftbreeze padded over to them they looked up "we'll save Creekripple" Dawnpaw meowed confidently, reminding Driftbreeze, once again of their mother's spirit. Wolfpaw flicked her tail dismissively "of course we will! I'll bet Creekripple is just waiting for us!" She meowed.
"The time has come for you to go and bring back Creekripple! Good luck to you all!" Blueshadow meowed from her position beside Juniperstar. Driftbreeze nodded and led the patrol into the tunnel I'm coming for you Creekripple, just hold on a little longer.

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