Part 3

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Icepaw padded into camp, dragging a freshly-caught raven along with her, and trying not to trip over its long, feathery wings. Ivypaw walked beside her, carry two mice and Icepaw's squirrel. "Nice catch," Willowfur purred from where she lay in the sun with Blackclaw.

"Thanks," Icepaw mumbled through the raven. She dropped it on the fresh-kill pile, spitting feathers out of her mouth. She yawned. It had been a hard day. She curled up in her nest in the apprentices' den, which now only consisted of her and Ivypaw after Reedtail had been made a warrior.

Ivypaw lay beside her. "So how's Oliveclaw?" Icepaw asked.

Her sister sat up, shrugging. "Not as bad as I thought." She laughed to herself. "He's actually kind of funny."

Icepaw flicked her over the ear with her tail. "See? What'd I tell you?"

Ivypaw ignored her. "Do you still feel the same way about Hollystar?"

Icepaw blinked. "The problem was never with Hollystar, it was having her as my mentor." She paused to think. "I guess I'm not expected to do any more than you are," she said after a moment. "But I'd still rather be apprenticed to a normal warrior."

"Suit yourself," Ivypaw mewed. "It'd be cooler with the Clan leader."

"Maybe," she muttered. "But I think I'd rather stay where I am after two moons of training with her."

Her sister nodded. "Me too." Ivypaw yawned, curling up with her paw over her nose. "G'night," she mewed, seeming already half asleep.

"Good night," Icepaw whispered back. She stayed upright for a while longer, peeking out at Silverpelt. There were too many stars to count, but she tried. How many StarClan cats are there? she wondered, gaping at the number of them. Finally, she curled up, wrapping her tail over her nose.

Icepaw woke to the chirping of green-leaf birds and sunlight filtering in through the den's entrance. She yawned, and stood to stretch. She turned to wake Ivypaw, but noticed that her nest was empty. She pawed it. It was cold, like she'd been gone most of the night. She narrowed her eyes. She'd have to go look for her.

As she padded out of the den, she spotted Oliveclaw and Hollystar waiting at the fresh-kill pile. "Icepaw," her mentor mewed as she approached. "Ivypaw's waiting for you by Tall Pine. We want the two of you to bring back as much prey as you can."

"Okay," she nodded. So that's where Ivypaw is.

Oliveclaw looked at her. "And don't get into any trouble. We're trusting you to go out on your own."

She blinked, telling him that she understood, and headed out the camp entrance. She weaved her way through the pine trees, until she saw the Tall Pine, standing like a warrior guarding their camp at night. "Ivypaw!" she called, looking around. She didn't see her sister's gray pelt anywhere. "Ivypaw!" she called again.

She heard a triumphant shout as something landed on her back. She fell, her chin thudding painfully against the ground. "Got you!" she heard her sister's playful mew.

"Ivypaw!" she hissed, gasping for air. "You're standing on my lungs!"

"Oops!" She stepped back. "Sorry!"

Icepaw stood and shook out her ruffled tabby fur. "Come on," she mewed, running up the tree. "We're supposed to be hunting."

"Hey!" Ivypaw said, charging after her. "What's gotten you in a bad mood?"

"Nothing," she answered, stopping on a thick, secure branch. She faced Ivypaw. "Why'd you follow me?"

Her sister blinked. "Why not?"

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