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Chapter 1


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     The door opened revealing my closest friend Ran.

     "Ran!!" I jumped in the girl's arm, who was still in shock.

     "Shinpi!!" the biggest smile ever formed on Ran's face. "What are you doing here?!"

     "My mum gave me this letter to give to you and your father, she apologizes for sending me down unannounced," I smiled trying to hide my worried face.

     "What wrong Shinpi?"

      Before I could answer I heard a voice, "Ran! Whose at the door?! Is it a customer?!" I heard thumping noises and a large thud till a man leaned on the door way.

     "No dad it's-"

     "Come in, come in, don't worry about my rude daughter customer's are always welcome," he grabbed my hand, bringing me into the detective agency.

     "Uncle, it me!" I laughed as he pulled me in.

     "Who? Sorry, how old are you?"

     "It's me Shinpi Meka, remember 13 years ago I moved back to England because of my grandma and grandpa," my eyes sparkled, hoping he would at least remember me.

     "You mean that blonde cutie that would always come over to our house? Man I wish you'd have stayed, after you left that little twerp hung out with Ran," he had his hand on his chin, thinking.

     "Yes! That was me! Wait, who hung out with her?"

     "No one, no one! Dad!" Ran scolded her father I stood there, waiting for her to be finished.


     Ran pulled open the note, uncle and I standing over her shoulder.

     "I'm sorry Ran, Ma called me and told me to come here, saying that there were two letters, one was for me, and the other was labeled for you two on the table,"

      Dear Kogoro and Ran Mouri,

     I apologise for this inconvenience, but if you got this letter my husband and I are either dead, or on the run. I hope you still remember our promise Kogoro because I need to use it now. Please take care of my angel she doesn't need caught up in this mess we are in. I hope that one day we will come back for her, but always prepare for the worse.

                           Sincerely, Mariah Meka

     The atmosphere was cold as we finished reading the letter.

     "Shinpi, there's a guest bedroom upstairs go settle in I'm going to see if Shinichi is okay," Ran threw on her coat, rushing out the door, slamming it before I could ask who he was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2019 ⏰

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