chapter 33 - lotties pov

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just a little note, this song gives me feels of lottinn meeting, so i recommend you listen to the beginning of the song before reading! [just imagine lottie saying "hey blue boy" to finn right before the beat drops,, and you'll read what happens after💘💖] xx


"Hey blue boy."

Finn turned around and the look of confusion instantly melted off his face. "Holy fuck, Lottie! I mean- uh sorry.. Lottie!" The girls around us giggled as Finn corrected his foul mouth. He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me in for a hug. It was almost magical, like I've known him my whole life.. and I wouldn't change a thing. We stood there for around three minutes, neither one of us wanting to pull away. The other losers and Hollis were staring and you could hear the clicks of cell phone cameras taking photos of us.

I was the first to pull away. Finn looked into my eyes and it almost seemed like he was tearing up. I let out a breathy laugh and looked down, that's when I realized our fingers were intertwined in between eachother. "Surprise?" I finally spoke up. "Yeah no kidding! How did you pull this off?" He had a huge smile plastered across his face. "It took a lot of work, and a lot of convincing, but once you guys mentioned the open set," I said acknowledging the other losers, "I knew I had to come see you. All of you." I made sure to include that last part.

"Honestly I think it's safe to say this is the best surprise ever." Sophia chimed in. "Yeah well it gets even better, you guys all get to spend the whole week with Lot and I!" The group cheered in unison. Suddenly I realized, "Wait where's Jack??" Finn answered with, "In the bathroom, knowing him he'll probably take another 15 minutes." And almost on queue, a small brunette boy dressed in short shorts and a t-shirt skipped his way towards us. "Sorry I took so long guys, there was a line this time. You know how it is, portapotties." He pretended to flip his hair as the group laughed at his joke. Jack looked in Hollis and my direction, "Oh, hey Lottie! Hey Hollis!" He turned back to Wyatt, his eyes growing twice the size. "LOTTIE, HOLLIS! WHAT THE FUCK! OH MY GOD!" He sounded like he was losing his breath. "YOU GUYS ARE SO TALL! Well I mean not as tall as Finn but you know that can be a good thing especially for Lottie because when you kiss someone it's kinda nice to have the male be taller so he can lean down.. I mean- wait wHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE?" I couldn't stop laughing. "Calm down Jack! We came to surprise you guys. We're in Vancouver for a whole week!"

"Happy birthday dear Wyatt, happy birthday to youuuu!!" Everyone on set sung in harmony. Wyatt's birthday was two weeks back, so we we're celebrating the occasion with cake. I wasn't very hungry, all my mind kept tracing back to was the fact that Finn and I were holding hands.

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