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peter has been living in the compound for about two weeks. everyone has been super nice and open about themselves. peter would like to keep his personal life to himself. he doesn't let anyone see him without his mask on. he ignores any question about his age and what his job was before the avengers.

the team wasn't going to push him to show himself, but they were very curious as to who the mystery man is.

"can you at least tell us your first name?" bucky asks. he took a deep breath to try not to scream at him. what harm could a first name do?

"peter." he said shoving pizza in his mouth.

"finally!" wanda said. he rolled his eyes at them.

"why don't you want us to know who you are, peter?" steve asks.

"because, every person i get close with dies. i don't need that happening to any of you." peter says plainly. steve frowns.

"peter, this is the avengers you're talking about. we aren't going to die because of you." he says patting peters back.

"i'll think about it." peter said finishing his pizza and getting up. they all smiled at him.

"don't forget! it's movie night and tony is coming over." clint said. peter nodded before going to his room and thinking everything over


peter looked at himself in the mirror. was he really ready to do this? to come clean about himself to 15 other people. he looked at his brown eyes and brown hair. his fair skin and thin lips. he took a deep breath.

he was ready.

he put his hand on the door knob and sighed. he turned it and opened the door. he walked down the hallway and stopped before the living room. he took a deep breath and walked in.

nobody seemed to notice him at first. he walked further into the living room and sat down next to steve.

steve did a double take. everyone in the room suddenly went silent.

"h-hey guys." peter said and smiled.

"peter?" bucky said. peter nodded. everyone was in shock.

"why is everyone looking at me like that? it's just my face." peter said chuckling a bit.

"you're like 10." tony said.

"i'm 15 for your information." peter said with a bit of sass. they all smiled.

"well can we stop drooling over the fetus and watch the movie?" bruce said. everyone laughed.

the group watched lord of the rings. peter was exhausted from stressing about showing his face so he fell asleep on steve's shoulder.

he looked younger to the team if that was even possible. steve warped an arm around the small boy as he nuzzled closer to him. steve saw tony taking a picture of the two. he smiled and looked down at the boy.

peter was happy he decided to show himself to the team. it was going to bring them even closer as a family. peter wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world except at the compound.

his home.


hello everyone! thank you for reading. i hope you enjoy and please leave suggestions on what you would like to see next!

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