Chapter 1

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Jamie POV

"Madam, the plane has landed" the flight attended said waking me up. I thanked her, grabbed my handbag and got off the plane.

California is just what I imagined it to be. Hot and sunny. The people around me are barely wearing any clothes, while I'm wearing jeans and a shirt. They must think I'm crazy wearing jeans in such hot weather. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realise where I was going until I bump into a wall and almost tumble to the ground but was saved by a massive pair of arms.

Looking up I realised it wasn't a wall, but instead stood a very gorgeous man. My breathing hitched. His features are very sharp, his hair is straight and short and has a dangerous look, he has pink plump lips, a strong jaw line, deep stormy grey eyes, but what draws you in the most was his eyelashes. They were thick and long and brushed across his tanned cheek every time he blinked softening his features and making my mouth water.

After eye raping the man for longer than needed, I snap back into reality to realise I'm still gripping his arms and he still has his arms around my waist.

" I'm sorry" I said stepping away from him and was about to pass him when a pair of arms stopped me.

" What?" I asked harsher than I intended to, but he was going make me late for the interview that I have in 20 minutes.

" You ruined my suit" He said in a equally harsh tone glaring at me. Looking at his suit I realized his suit was indeed ruined with coffee stains.

" That's not my problem, I'm not the one carry around coffee, carelessly" I said glaring back at him.

"Well, I'm not the one not looking where I was going" He said glaring at me. What an asshole.

"Look I don't have time for this, I have a interview in exactly 15 minutes" I said checking the watch on my hand and attempting to walk pass him and once again he stops me.

"Didn't you hear what I said" I said raising my voice and attracting walkers by.

" Lower your voice, and yes I heard what you said but you still have my suit to fix" he hissed at me.

" Don't you have other suits with you?"


"Can't you carry to get it dry cleaned?"

" No"

" Can't you go home to change?"


"Why not?"

"because its to far"

" Well, tough luck, cause I'm not going to be late for my interview because of you" I said and attempted to walk away and once again he pulled me back.

" Let me go" I hissed at him.

" Listen here miss and listen good, I have a very important meeting in exactly 2 minutes , which I have to cancel because  you ruined my suit. You see that interview of yours, cancel it, because your going to help me find a suit and your going to pay for it" he said to me in a low threatening voice with his face dangerously close to mine.

"Do you understand?"  he asked me in a angry voice glaring at me .I just nodded my head not trusting my voice at the moment.

" Let's go" he demanded grabbing my arm in a tight grip and pulling me along with him.

"Get in" he said to me when as he opened the door to his 2014 white Range Rover Sport. I was about to protest but seeing the look he gave me I shut my mouth. After I went in and he closed my door, I texted my driver and told him to cancel my interview and collect my bags from the airport, carry them to the hotel and make sure they got in the hotel safely.

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