Chapter 2

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Won't you stay with me?

Cause you're all I need

This ain't love, it's clear to see

But darling stay with me.

I was awoken from my slumber by Stay with me by Sam Smith blasting from my phone. Mumbling a few choice words for being woken up so early I reached for my phone, answering it without looking at the caller I.D.

"Jamie Jackson" I mumbled groggily into the phone.

"Hey Jamie, are you ready for me to pick you up?" My assistant, Maria asked.

"Pick me up for what?" I asked half awake but still sounding sleepy.

" Are you sleeping?" She asked slightly yelling.

"No, calm your shit, I just woke up" I said trying to get her to stop yelling.

"You just woke up,Jamie, do you know what time is it ?!?" Maria yelled in my ear.

" Damn Maria it's too early to be yelling" I said annoyed.

"Early. Are you serious? Do you even know the time? As a matter of fact, what time is it ?" She said sounding annoyed as well.

"ugh" I groaned then removed the phone from my ear and looked at the time at the top of the screen.

"Jesus, Maria it's 7:35 a.m." I said slightly yelling and irritated that she woke me up so early and I bet she doesn't have a good reason.

" Yes Jamie, it's 7:35 a.m and I believe you have a interview today at 8:00" Mariah said.

" Oh Shit ! That was today !?!" I shouted while scrambling out of bed.

"Yes Jamie, it's today. Hurry up, I'll be at the hotel by 7:45 to pick you up" She said then hang up before I could even answer.

'Shit, shit, shit' I cursed in my head as I ran to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and had a quick shower and dried off, then ran out of the bathroom quickly slipping on a panty and bra, then went to my closet to look for an outfit to wear. Reaching my closet I grabbed the first thing my hand catch which happens to be a black dress. quickling slipping on the dress, I ran to my vanity to fix my hair the best I can with such short time. After I fix my hair, my phone beeped which signal I had a text from Maria which means she's here. I quickly grabbed a random pair of black heels, my phone and my handbag with everything I needed.

' Thank the heavens I didn't unpack yesterday' I said to myself as I closed my room with my key, then ran to the elevator, which to my luck was free.

Picture of Jamie at the top.

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