Chapter 1- Changes

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Grabbing my pillow, I put it over my ears to block out the shouting coming from the floor below me. My parents we're arguing, you'd think that they'd stop by now and say their apologies but that's not the case. I could feel tears growing in my eyes and my grip to my pillow getting tighter. One second my parents are arguing downstairs,the next,my mom is rushing up the stairs grabbing her clothes and appliances from the room they both share. Or had shared. I slowly ease my way out of my now messy bed and walk to her room quietly. "Mom?" I questioned directing it to her. Quickly looking up at me, then down again. "We're leaving. Don't ask a fucking question, just get a few things." "WHAT? WHY?" I screamed in disbelief. She continued to grab her things and told me "5 minutes". Was all I had. I couldn't disrespect my mom, it's a sin. Listening to her directions and repeatedly checking the time I had grabbed most of my clothes and my phone charger, along with my laptop.

"LET'S GO AMARA!" She yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Walking as slowly as I could down the stairs, tears started to fall down the sides of my face. I quickly wiped them away when I saw my dad come from the backyard. Getting down on his knees "Please, Keirra, I'm begging you not to leave" was all that came from his mouth with a shaky tone. "I'm leaving! You've done this once before and it's sure as he'll not happening again! Fuck you, Chris!" anger was the only thing that she showed. I couldn't believe she could say that to someone she had shared her vows with. Walking out ,of our now old house, my mom grabbed my arm dragging me to the car. Getting into the passenger side I heard my dad scream " IM SO SORRY, AMARA! I LOVE YOU" I don't get what he's talking about, why is he telling me sorry? "Yeah, fucking right" muttered my mom under her breath. Putting the car in reverse, she watched the street behind her in the side mirrors, before speeding off to who knows where. Sleeping was the only thing I could bring myself to do since it was 3 am.

*5 hours later*

I wake up to hear my mom on the phone sounding like nothing ever happened. " Yeah!...We will be there in about 30 can't wait to see you too D..alright, *sees me looking at her * see you then, bye" Is she hiding something from me? This is crazy, I just wanna go back home. "Are you hungry?" She asked knowing I was "No." I lied through my teeth. " mom, where are we going? And what did dad do that was so bad for us to have to leave?" I questioned curiously. She began to speak "He.." "He..?" I just wanted an answer to be completely honest.

"Cheated...Again" the final words coming out of her mouth, while keeping her eyes on the road. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, my dad cheated! More than once. " I just couldn't do it anymore, Amara, I'm sorry" she apologized. I felt a sudden urge of anger but then realized that she needed someone. I had to be that person. "In case you're wondering, we are in California and gonna stay with an old guy friend. I used to date him before your father" a tiny smile crept on her face. I decided to ignore her smile and look outside to admire the palm trees. I must've been staring outside of the window for a good 20 minutes because we had pulled up to this house. It was a 2 story house, had steps and was light blue. A seatbelt unbuckling woke me up from the deep thought I had been in for the past 5 minutes. Before my mom made it to the front door a tall man opened the door and brought her in for a hug. "Amar, come on!" She quickly turned around to tell me and shouted. Getting out of the car I sighed and walked up to the both of them. "Hello, Amar? Is it?" The man asked me probably knowing the answer. He did hear my mom call my name. "Yeah, it's AmarA" I corrected him. My mom sensed my bitchiness and shot me a look. "Oh! Amara!, I'm Dana. Dana Vaughns" he stated while extended his huge hands. Smiling, I took his hand into mine and shook it. "Nice to meet you" I said, being polite. He wouldn't stop staring at me so I kind of just stood there for a few seconds. He realized that he had been staring for so long an apologized " I'm sorry! Haha, it's that you look exactly like Chocolate momma right here" my mom quickly broke out it laughs while leaning into him. "Ok.." Saying out of awkwardness. Wishing this was over. "Let's go inside. I can't wait for you guys to meet my son, Dana Vaughns 2nd" he exclaimed in excitement. In all honesty I don't not feel like meeting some annoying little boy but whatever. "Can I call you Big D?" I questioned not knowing what I was thinking. " uh.. Sure! If you'd like to" he seemed pretty surprised at how used to him I've become in such little time. I decided to look around his house a little because I'm nosey do why not? As I walk down the hall of the first floor back near the front door.I stop at a picture of this hot ass kid. Like hotter than hot to be honest. Picking up the picture I decided to ask D who this was."Hey! Big D! Who's this kid on your wa-" was all I could say before dropping the picture onto the ground.

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