[24] better than expected

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The bell chimes as we walk into the coffee shop

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The bell chimes as we walk into the coffee shop.

The guy at the cash register looks up to greet us as we walk over to him.

I try to avert my eyes from my first glance because-dang- he's cute.

Curly blonde hair tumbling on his face and bright green eyes. I look away.

"Hi!" He says enthusiastically, and I have no choice but to look at him because he's looking directly at me. "I'm Carter! What can I get for you?" I look up at the choices, grateful that I don't have to look at him anymore.

"Uh...can I get a latte please?" I ask, fidgeting with my phone. He winks. I try not to blush.

"Sure thing."

He looks up at Archer. "And for you?"

"Cappuccino" he says flatly. I turn around to look at him. He's glaring at the guy.

Carter only nods. "Got it. That'll be $9.45, please." Archer hands him money and he puts it in the register. "Thank you. Can I get a name?"

At the same exact time, we both say our names.

I grin sheepishly.

Carter laughs. "A ship name, I see. Karcher it is." I roll my eyes.

Archer pulls me against his side, wrapping an arm around my waist. "I'm fine with that." My face heats up. I raise an eyebrow.

As we find a table, I turn to raise an eyebrow at him again. "Jealous much?"

"Very much, thank you. He was straight up flirting with you!" I smack his arm.

"No he wasn't! He was 'straight up' being a normal person!" I protest, sitting down.

"Sure about that? Look at this." He says, tossing the receipt at me. I pick it up and look at it.
Call me :) is written at the bottom, along with a phone number.

"Seriously?" I mumble as I put my face in my hands, trying to cover up my flaming cheeks. That's as cliché as it gets.

"What a moron. We're obviously together." I look up at him and he just shrugs.

"I'm glad you think that." Is all he says.

"Well actually, maybe he wanted you to call him." I say, poking him. He chuckles.

"Sure, he was flirting with me. I don't blame him, I'm beautiful." I roll my eyes.

"Uh-huh. Whatever you say."

I twirl my spoon in my coffee, adding about five spoons of sugar. Archer wrinkles his nose.

"Gross. You're gonna drink that?"

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