Chapter Five

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Asia was tearing through the halls, she had to get away from that basement, that basement where her nightmares were locked. She could feel the tears on her cheeks and it made her flush red with embarrassment.

Trip popped his head out of the hall as she ran by, his brow creesing with concern. "TicTac, what are you runnin from?" He called out behind her, but she didnt stop to say anything. Moments later, Skye jogged past him in the same direction. "What the hell is going on?" He called after the other agent.

"Its nothing, I've got it handled," Skye called back.

Leo was still tinkering in the Lab when he heard the commotion outside. He looked up, squinting, as he saw Asia run past in the soft lighting of the hallway, and Skye running past her shortly thereafter. What was going on out there? He almost got up from his desk to find out, but he had just gotten all his things picked up from the floor and this cloaking really needed some work. So he stayed put.

Asia didn't stop moving until she had flung herself into the air vent. Here she was safe, here she was warm. No monsters in the basement could touch her here, they couldn't stain her thoughts. She wrapped herself tightly in her heavy blankets, letting the pressure and the warmth calm her down as she took deep breaths. She had lost control, that wasn't like her. She couldn't let that happen again, it wasn't like her. She wouldn't let it happen again, ever.

Skye ran into the living area, but didn't see where Agent Monroe had run off to. This was becoming such typical her, always running, never letting her friends get close. It pissed Skye off beyond belief. Without thought, she stormed up the stairs towards Coulson's office and banged loudly on the door. She wasn't going to stop knocking until he answered her. Something needed to be done.

When Coulson finally answered the door, Skye put her hands firmly on her hips and raised an eyebrow at him, taking a stance. "So this is how its going to be?" She asked, noting his annoyed gaze. "We can't even talk anymore?"

"Not when I'm in the middle of work," he replied calmly, but took note of her anger. "Come in," he said with a sigh, stepping backwards to make space for her to enter. Skye stomped into the room, slamming the door behind them. "What has you so upset?" He asked, leaning against his desk, crossing his arms over her chest.

"We need to talk about Asia, this is getting out of hand," Skye said in protest, gesturing wildly out towards the hall. "Were you watching that interrogation feed? She just tried to shoot Ward."

"Do you blame her?" Coulson said sarcastically, before sighing deeply. "I'll take care of it."

"We need to do more than take care of it, we need to bring her back," Skye said adamantly. "She's not okay. And these wild assassination missions aren't making her any better. She's hiding behind them."

"Well, frankly, it's not up to you on whether or not Agent Monroe takes those missions. She's a vital part of the team, doing good work for us," Coulson said flatly, looking over at the windows. "But yes, Agent Monroe has changed. Becoming the Renegade changed her. Watching Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons be dropped into the ocean while her old partner, Agent Grant Ward, put a knife to her throat, changed her. Seeing Fitz almost dead, blaming herself, it changed her. Agent Monroe has changed. She is not the agent who came to us last year. I've watched her, she is afraid to touch anything. She thinks she breaks everything she touches. She is one of us, we need to teach her otherwise."

Skye smiled slightly, "I'm glad we're on the same page."


It was the next day that the team captured General Talbot. Agent Monroe volunteered to be his interrogator while he was here, but Coulson declined the offer. "This one is personal," he replied simply. "I'll handle it."

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