Chapter SixtyNine

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The sound of the black SUV hitting Cal's body and pinning him against the wall was sickening. But, Coulson's plan had worked. As soon as he had gotten enough distance between himself and Cal, he had radioed them on coms. Jemma, Leo, and Asia were to be the bait. They would find him in the halls, scream, run, the whole bit. In his deranged state, the man had fallen for it, chasing the three about the base, right into the garage, where Coulson was waiting. As soon as Coulson had him pinned, Asia jutted out each of her hands, sending balls of ice towards his feet, sticking him against the wall for extra measure.

Coulson stepped out of the black SUV, shutting the door behind him, after he was satisfied that Cal was not going anywhere. "Alright Cal, it's time for you and me to have a little talk..." Coulson said, staring at the man in front of him.

Taking their queue, Asia, Leo, and Jemma all silently left the garage. They had work to do, anyways. Asia had to prep the Quinnjet, just in case. And they had to get the Lab ready, to give Cal another checkup if things went well. Jemma wanted to make sure that he was going to be okay. She still wasn't confident that such a high level dosage of the concoction he had taken wasn't lethal.

It wasn't long after when Coulson walked in, with Cal following tentatively behind him, still appearing a little twitchy. Jemma lead him over to a chair, having him sit down, and began her review of his systems. Cal looked nervously around the room, his eyes landing on Asia for a moment, giving her a shaky smile.

"You, I recognize you," His smile widened a little bit larger, but calm. "My Daisy, she talked about you. The Ice Queen. She cares quite a bit about you. You're her best friend," the words seemed to calm him down, the thoughts of his daughter and past conversations with her taking him to a peaceful plane.

Asia smiled back softly with a small nod, unsure of what else to say. She had a feeling Cal wouldn't be nearly as happy about seeing her if he had known what she had done to his daughter only earlier today.

"I'd love to see your talents some time," he said, continuing the conversation awkwardly, but still seemingly happy. Earnest. Trying to make a connection. It was kind of sweet, if Asia hadn't felt incredibly awkward. She nodded back for her before turning to look at Coulson, who simply shrugged. Cal continued to look around the room until his face fell on the glass he had shattered. "Ooh, sorry, Phil," he winced, "That looks expensive."

"No worries at all Cal, we have a tab running," Coulson joked back at him, causing Cal to smile once more.

Suddenly, Leo came jogging into the room, holding onto a tablet. "Sir," he said, handing the tablet over. "The carrier ship has sent a distress call out to all channels. We're getting no response from anyone we've attempted to contact."

Coulson took the tablet and glanced at Cal. "Cal explained Jiayang's plan. They wanted to take over the ship. It looks like they've done exactly that, right under our noses...." he sighed, handing the tablet back to Leo. "Monroe, is the Quinnjet ready for immediate departure?"

"Yes, sir," Asia replied immediately. "Stocked and ready to go."

"Agent Fitz, can you get May and Hunter on the line? We're going to need all of our assets to fight these Inhumans," Coulson turned back to the scientist.

Leo shook his head, frowning. "No, sir, it appears they have already gone dark. I tried to reach them but was unsuccessful."

Coulson sighed, shaking his head. "Everyone, get your things ready. I'll be in my office. On my word, we move out," and with that, he exited the Lab. \

"Alright, alright, alright," Leo said, pressing a few fingers to his temple, thinking deeply, before he looked up and something clicked. Asia could practically see the lightbulb above his head go off. "Can you get my bag ready? I've got to tweak something quick!"

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