In the mood 4/4

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The moment you awoke Michael has his scruffy jaw buried in the crook of your neck pecking sloppy kisses along the most sensitive of places. Suppressing a moan as his lips sucked a nipped along your soft skin. You groan trying to push him off you, it was far too early for your mind and body to be getting into these shenanigans. "Go away" you whine pushing at his chest. "You know you want to, just as much as I do" he purrs in your ear. Michael is rarely a morning person, it figures, the morning you want to sleep in is the morning he's up early. You squeeze your eyes shut hoping to fall back to sleep but Michael is not taking it. He scots closer to you, his hand dives under the sheet and finds your hip. His fingers tickle at the bare skin along your hip where your shirt has ridden up. You turn your head away from him, your arm coming up to cover your eyes. "I just want to sleep" you complain again. "You can sleep later babe" he cockily mutters as he hand trails further down your waist, along the waistband of your shorts. You pull the blankets up over you shoulder, thus he was completely covered by the sheet and he chuckles. You feel him shifting beside you but you pay no attention just trying to rest you tired eyes. You feel him brush and bump your legs before your shorts are pulled from your bottom half and warm breath is blown over your centre. You gasp and sit up, peering down between your legs is a rather large mound of a boy as he's sprawled out between your knees. You lift up the sheet to peer at him and catch his attention before he sticks out his tongue and plunges into your folds. Your heartbeat erratic as he goes to work on you, you're suddenly awake and attentive as your hands try to grasp anything to contain your moans. You settle on gripping the sheets as your legs tremble and Michael's skilled tongue wakes your body up.

Calum ordered you to leave the flat, he had pushed you out of the door mumbling something about how he needed you to pick up something from the store. You furrowed your brow as you drove to the supermarket, wondering why Calum needed you out of the apartment at that very second. You never the less pulled up to the grocery store and picked up the usual, fruits and milk and bread. You took your time, debating on how long Calum really wanted you out of the house. The look on his face when he asked you to leave was dry, and emotionless like his mind was racing with more important things. The question as to why you had to abandon the apartment still running in your mind. All these options flood in your thoughts, what if he meet someone else and wanted you gone? Or what if you'd done something or said something and that was the final straw? You've only been dating a little over six months and things were going great. What if this was the end? Your biting at your nails when your phone buzzes beside you.

*come back now* Calum had texted you. You shake your head and prepare your heart to be shattered.

Your throat almost closes up when you pull into the drive way. You shaken hands grab the grocery bags and you hesitantly walk up the cement steps and cautiously open the door. The lights are out when you enter, nothing but silence fills the air. "Calum?" You call out. A cancel flickers in the corner, illuminating the entire room. A blank with pillows is laid out on the floor, red rose petals litter the ground. You drop the grocery bags on the floor and being your hands up to your mouth in a gasp. Calum is standing with a genie smile on his face and you sigh in relief when he mutters "Hi baby" you rush towards him and cuddle into his embrace. His chin rests on the top of your hair, his chest swells as you hold into him tighter. "I thought you were breaking up with me" you whisper and his arms loosen before he cups your cheeks and brings your face only inches away from his. "Never" he whispers and crashes his lips to your own in a passion filled kiss. You pushes you back until you standing on the blanket and he lays you down, you head resting on a pillow. You sigh as his lips suck love bites on your collar bones. His hands roaming to caress your sides before he tickles your ribs and you giggle at his touch. He couldn't help but smile, your laugh is his favourite sound. You dig your fingers in his hair when his lips rail south down the valley of your chest and to the soft skin under your belly button. "I'm going to prove to you how much you mean to me" Calum whispers, his hot breath seeping through the thin fabric covering your centre. He pulls down you shorts and looks up to you to meet your gaze with a wink before he leans down and kisses you through your panties. You gasp and arch your back off the floor. He always knows exactly what to do with his tongue. You tug harder on his hair and the vibrations from his groan shoot straight through you. His hands hold you down and you can't help but smile at the way you acted thinking he was breaking up when really he was just showing his love for you by creating a romantic date night right at home. You wouldn't want anything else in life, when you glance down to your extremely hot boyfriend between your quivering thighs and he meets your gaze your body erupts into feelings of compete bliss.

Unknowingly on your part Luke had spent the entire day with a careful eye on you. It had just been another lazy Sunday, you didn't even bother to change out of your sweatpants. Luke and you watched a movie on Netflix and sat around just relaxing. Your eyes were glazed over with boredom, everything was so slow today. Luke need strayed far from you, always having his knee brushing yours and you were so used to it you didn't feel anything. You sat down a the table with Luke after he suggested the two of you play a board game. You rolled the little dice and rolled a six, he watched you and you giggled and proudly passed his game opponent. "You're going to lose" you teased

"Don't bet on it babe" he winked at you. He grabbed the dice and flicked them across the table, he quickly reached out to retrieve them while brushing your breast with his elbow as shivers ran down his back. He'd never tell you but he couldn't help but cop a feel, he'd been watching you laugh and you chest was bouncing around, he couldn't tell if your breasts were condemned but a bra or not. He just had to find out for himself, so when he brushed you and felt nothing but the thin layer of your shirt against your bare breast he practically came in his pants imagining it all. You were lost in a fit of laughter so when to opened you eyes to see the electric blue in Luke's eyes your insides flipped. You would know those eyes anywhere, even in the darkest of places be haze they still make your thighs clamp together. You lean over the table, closer to Luke just till you me lips are inches apart. "What are you thinking about?" You ask his whispering against his plump lips. "You" he sighed closing his eyes "always you" you closed the space between the two of you. Breaking the kiss only to move around the table before you quickly climbed into his lap, straddling his waist and moulding your lips back to his. Your arms wrapped around his neck to pull him closer and his hands were all over you, up and around you waist then sliding up your shoulders before they stayed kneading on your breasts. A grunt escapes through Luke's lips as you start to grind down on his waist. His hips jut forward in pleasure from the frictions you've created, you gasp as his hardened bugle presses to your throbbing centre. His eyes close as you lean in and attached your lips to the soft skin just under his ear. His hands grasp your chest tighter, his palm rubbing against your numb and you can't help but release a happy sigh.

Ashton walked in the room with that signature smile and gleam in his eye that you knew so well. You've be reading a book sprawled out on the couch and he'd come up behind you and lay down, your back cuddled to his front. You try to ignore him as he nibbled on our ear and you'd giggle and swat him away but he'd come back for more because he can't get enough of your laugh. You would concentrate on the book, telling ashton "piss off". His laughter would tickle your ear as he pushed his nose into the crook of your neck. His finger trailing from your shoulder down to your hip, tracing patterns along your soft kid. "I'm trying to read" you say but you don't want his hands to stop "I'm just trying to cuddle" ashton smirks. He innocently runs his finger along the waistband of your jeans, dips his finger under to trace more skin. You sigh and close your eyes, no wanting him to see how much you really want him to continue. His long fingers caress the lace along your hip and your grip on the book tightens, sure to crinkle the page. His rough finger finds it's way under your lace thong and you gasp when he cones in contact with your throbbing clit. You let the book slip from your fingers and it drops to the floor. You grasp into his forearm and dig your nails into his flesh as his skilled fingers rub quick circles on your heat. "Ashton" you moan as his nose runs along your jaw and your eyes flutter closed. His free hand pushes under you to shift your body so you are laying fully on your back. Without missing a beat of the rhythm he's creating on your centre he crawls until his hovering above you. One of his knees in between your parted legs, your back arches up as he whispers in your ear "look at you, so sensitive to every touch" his deep voice grunts in your ear and you want him to slam you down and take you now. You knew from that glint of light in his eye that he wanted you. You've seen that light many times before, it's hard to catch but you know by the way he bites his lips and mummers dirty things that you're in for a long night.

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