Warm me up - ashton smut

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Sitting shotgun in Ashton's car is the favourite part of your day. Especially now as the snow drifts slowly outside in a constant steady pace. You just feel so at home with him by you side. His hand is placed on your thigh, his thumb rubbing ever so lightly.

He pulls up to park a block or two away from his flat. Ashton flicks off the roar of the engine with a twist of the keys and shines you a wicked grin. You can't help the curve of your smile, he's always up to something. You watch as he steps onto the snow covered ground before running over to your side of the car to hold the door open for me, the cold rush of air nearly knocks the breath out of your lungs. You take a few weary steps outside, the cold air blasts blowing your tangled hair across your smith neck and checks, sending shivers down your spin.

"Okay, what are we doing?" You chuckle as your lips tremble from the freezing temperatures. You've had enough of these games, you just wanted to cuddle up beside the fire with ashton.

"Just going for a little walk in the park" he eyes you with a devilish smirk spreading over his thin pink lips. It makes your stomach leap, you know that smile all too well. The smile that makes you weak at the knees, the one that makes you feel extremely vulnerable, in the best way.

Glancing around you notice, you the are the only ones here, your questions are pilling on every second. Why are the two of you here? Why can't you go back to his and get cheeky under the cover like you had planned?

Peering back to Ashton you witness him crouching down. His large hand lays flat against the new blanket of white crystals on the snow covered ground.

He bits his bottom lip to hide that contagious smile.

Ashton is quick as he grabs a handful of snow and flings it in your direction.

You try and dodge the bullet of snow. You cower and scream as it bursts over your parka covered hip. Dusting the sticky white snow off your coat and down your jeans you peer up to him with your jaw dropped.

"You did not just do that!" You gasp standing, shock plastered on your face.

"Oh yes I did" he sticks his tongue out and reaches down to grab another handful of snow.

You squeak, and run in the other direction, to hide behind a big deciduous tree with long thick


The perfect escape.

Peaking your head out behind the trunk before a snowball soars by your legs as you cower away.

You drop down to grab a handful of the freezing snow in your palm, rounding the snow into a ball between your hands as you peer out to find where Ashton is hiding.

He's as sneaky as could be, you cant seem to spot him. You peer out only seeing tall trees and snow slowly drifting. You try and steady your breathing and peak a glance to your left.

You bit your lip as you glance around. Trying to stifle your laughter, what had he gotten you into. He's camouflaged I to the snow, you swear. He's no where to be seen.

Oh he's good! Where is he?

You jump and scream when another burst of snow crashes over your shoulder blade.

Whipping around you throw your half melted ball of snow, and watch as your weapon sails through the air and hits him in the chest.

The bursts of snow crashing over his face and disintegrates against his warm neck.

"That was freezing" he complains. Groaning as he whips the dampness off his jaw. You quickly dive down to collect more weapons. You manage to grab a handful of fluff and peer up when to her his chuckle.

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