Mt. St Helens.

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I clench my fists,

Bite my tongue,

Theres so much i can say.

But i don't say a word.

Ive been so mad!

Ive been so sad!

I can't take any more.

I hold my breath until I'm red.

My fists now shaking.

Ready to hit.

"Breathe sierra"

No bitch,

You breathe it in.

I'm here now.

See me?

I'm exploding!

Nobody noticed until today.

Now bring in the news crew.

I am a volcano.

Magma boiling.

You thought me extinct.

Well bitch,

Now i'm back.

I clench my fists.

And bite my tongue.

Fire in my eyes,

Magma in my heart.

"It's Mt. St Helens"

No bitch,

I'm worse.

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